Interleukin 27 (IL-27) is a newly discovered cytokine encoded by 2 genes, EBI3 and p28. We investigated
IL-27 serum levels and p28 gene -964 A>G polymorphism in patients with chronic HBV infection and in
healthy individuals, with the aims to define the correlation between IL-27 expression and chronic
hepatitis B development. 168 patients, 99 recovered individuals and 152 healthy individuals were
enrolled in this study. IL-27 level was measured by dual antibody sandwich-ELISA, and p28
polymorphism was determined by PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism. IL-27 serum levels
were significantly higher in patients than in healthy controls (P < 0.001). Among -964 A/G
polymorphisms, A/A genotype was more closely associated with patients than healthy individuals (P =
0.013). There were no differences between recovered individuals and healthy individuals in both IL-27
levels and p28 polymorphism. IL-27 levels and p28 polymorphism are associated with the development
of chronic hepatitis B.
Key words: Interleukin 27, chronic hepatitis B, IL-27 p28 -964 A>G polymorphism, cytokine, single nucleotide