Otomycosis is a fungal infection mainly affecting the outer ear but can spread to the inner ear. The fungal agents can lead to complications such as tympanic perforation. This study aimed to determine the epidemiological and antifungal susceptibility profile of species colonizing the external auditory canal. This cross-sectional study was conducted from February to October 2021 at the University Hospital of Angré. A Questionnaire was administered to patients and a sample from the ear was collected for mycological study. Direct microscopic examination and culture on Sabouraud-chloramphenicol medium were performed for each sample. The identification of yeast strains and antifungal susceptibility were performed using VITEK 2? Compact. The identification of filamentous fungal agents was based on the macroscopic characteristics and microscopy of colonies. Out of the 205 patients included in the study, 26 tested positive for otomycosis through culture testing (12.7%). The associated factors were frequent ear cleaning (65.4%), long hours swimming (38.5%), and use of antibiotic-based ear drops (23.1%). Fungal agents identified were Candida parapsilosis (34.6%), Candida tropicalis (27%), Candida albicans (3.8%), and Aspergillus flavus (19.2%). Regarding the antifungal profile, it was noted that the sensitivity of all tested fungal agents to fluconazole, Amphotericin B, Voriconazole, and Flucytosine was 100%, Micafungin (83.3%) and Caspofungin (76.6%). This study highlighted the significance of fungal infections as the cause of otitis externa in the population. Their management must include mycological diagnosis in order to improve the choice of antifungals to be used against the pathogen. Public education on avoiding behavior that increases the risk of developing otomycosis is of prime importance.
Key words: Antifungal, candida, otomycosis, susceptibility.