Full Length Research Paper
Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum musae is the most important postharvest disease of banana fruit. The present study was conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of C. musae isolates to hot water treatment in vitro. The effect of hot water treatment (HWT) in vitro was determined by placing conidial suspensions and plugs of agar with mycelia of 12 single spore isolates of C. musae in hot water bath at 45, 50 and 55°C for 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 and 17 min. Percent inhibition of conidial germination and colony growth increased with increased temperature and time combinations. HWT at 55°C for 5 min had an equivalent inhibition of conidial germination and reduction of mycelial growth to that of HWT at 50°C for 17 min in the 12 C. musae isolates. Remarkable variability in thermo-tolerance was found among 12 isolates of C. musae and isolate HC2 and HC3 were found to be the most sensitive, while DL1 and DL2 were comparatively heat tolerant isolates.
Key words: Banana anthracnose, Colletotrichum musae, hot water treatment, sensitive, tolerant.
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