August 2013
Krishna – the catalyst for emancipation
Hinduism (Dasa, 2009) unlike Buddhism, Christianity and Islam does not have a founder. While most major religions derive from new ideas taught by a charismatic leader, Hinduism, the Santana Dharma or the eternal tradition is simply the religion of the people of India, which has gradually developed over four thousand years. The origins and authors of its sacred texts are largely unknown. Yet an understanding...
August 2013
Disquieting tendencies towards the pulverization of social reality-The Venezuelan case
The new structural tendencies inherent in the process of globalizing modernity and based on the market and instrumental rationality are generating implosive socialization, loss of culture, a subjectivity model leading to regressive individualism, and the downfall of traditional socio-cultural and identity producing structures. Its ultimate consequence is the emergence of a phenomenon causing the...