Full Length Research Paper
In this study, lightweight polymer concrete samples were produced with limestone (Ceyhan, Adana), pumice (Nevsehir) and zeolite (Gordes, Manisa) as a binder resin, and compressive and flexural tensile strength of these samples were determined via laboratorial experiments. For the study, the cylinder and prismatic samples of polymer on normal aggregate concrete (NAC), polymer on normal and lightweight aggregate mixture concrete (NLAC) and polymer on lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) were prepared. The polymer concrete produced was cured 3, 7, 28 and 90 days. The concrete samples were cured at 65% relative humidity with 20°C temperature. The density and slump workability of concrete mixtures were also measured. Laboratory test results showed that lightweight polymer concretes can be produced by the use of limestone, pumice, zeolite andas a binder resin. The use of mixture was recommended due to its satisfactory strength development.
Key words: Polyester resin, compressive strength, flexural tensile strength, aggregate type, curing time.
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