July 2014
Evaluation of antiemetic effect of aqueous rhizome extract of Cynodon dactylon against all emetogenic stimuli
This study was an extension of our previous antiemetic work. Many researchers quoted Cynodone dactylon as anti emetic agent but none of them have provided strong pharmacological evidence for it, which drove us for its therapeutic evaluation. Crude aqueous rhizome extract of C. dactylon was evaluated for anti-emetic activity. Emesis was induced by the oral administration of copper sulphate, fresh aqueous extract of...
July 2014
Bearing characteristics and influencing factors analysis of bored pile under refreezing condition in permafrost region
This paper represents study results of the bearing characteristics and influencing factors of large diameter bored pile under refreezing condition in permafrost region. Principles for designing piles in permafrost on the basis of both ultimate capacity and limiting deformations are first reviewed. To solve problems such as pile cap and bridge pier construction, super structure construction, time limit construction, a...
July 2014
Visualization analysis of feed forward neural network input contribution
The complexity of domain problem can slow or even hinder the learning process of neural networks. It is rather difficult to overcome such an obstacle because neural networks, as cited today in the literature, lack the interpretability of their internal structures. In this paper, we present a visualization approach capable of enhancing the understanding of neural networks. Our approach visualizes input and weight...