Infrastructure and foreign direct real estate investments in Nigeria
October 2024
The infrastructure in a nation is a critical determinant of its economic growth and development as well as the attraction of foreign direct investments (FDI) into such economy. While there are hard and soft infrastructure, the study establishes a link between hard infrastructure and foreign direct real estate investment in Lagos State, Nigeria. A survey conducted on nearly 450 public policy makers as well as real estate...
Determinants of farmers’ sustainable land management practices implementation in Sekoru District, Jimma Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Southwest Ethiopia
September 2022
The overall objective of the study is to assess the determinants of farmers’ implementation of sustainable land management practices. To achieve the objective of the study, cross sectional research design and mixed research approach were used. To answer research questions and attain those research objectives stated earlier, both primary and secondary data sources were employed. The primary data were gathered from...
Institutional capacity as a barrier to deliver urban land for residential housing development in Ethiopia: The case of Amhara National Regional State Bahir Dar City
January 2022
Ethiopia is rapidly urbanizing, but the process is irregular and poorly controlled. Land issues are crucial to economic and social development, growth, poverty alleviation, and good governance. The purpose of this article was to look into the capacity of Bahir Dar's urban land administration institutions in terms of land delivery for urban housing development. It also tries to determine the limits of institutional...
Land tenure and its implications on Local Land Governance in Sierra Leone: A case study of Bombali District
December 2021
There exists a dual land tenure system in Sierra Leone. A freehold tenure regime operated in Western Area, co-exists with a customary land tenure that covers the provinces. The freehold system facilitates development of a cash economy; the customary system has been identified to inhibit the modernization of the large rural agrarian economic landscape. International development organizations strongly advocate land policy...
Urban public land management from governance dimension: The case of Gelan and Lega Tafo Lega Dadi Towns
October 2021
This study is an assessment of Urban Public Land Management from Governance Dimension: The case of Gelan and Lega Tafo Lega Dadi Towns. To achieve these objectives qualitative and quantitative research approach was employed to identify the gaps under urban public land management from governance dimension. Questionnaires, interview, focus group discussion, and secondary data were employed to collect data and these...
Assessment of housing demand and feasibility of establishing real estate business in Ethiopia
September 2021
Ethiopia’s fastest growing urban centers are challenged by highly growing level of demand for housing. The essential question is how can the country provide housing units in an efficient and affordable fashion to accommodate growing demand from businesses and individuals for diverse uses? Thus, the target of this study was to access housing demand and therefore...
Soil survey and fertility assessment and mapping of Argo-Gedilala subwatershed in Dugda district, central rift valley of Ethiopia
June 2021
Detailed study on soil fertility assessment based on the understanding of the soil system are not available for the most part of Ethiopia. With the cognizance of this fact, the present study was conducted to assess the soil fertility status and to prepare the fertility map of Argo-Gedilala Sub watershed in Dugda District, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Eighteen composite soil samples (0-20cm depth) were taken for...
Sustainability assessment of land transactions and project benefits sharing in Papua New Guinea
June 2021
There is an increasing concern that land transactions in Papua New Guinea are perceived by some landowners and key government officials as unsustainable due to inequitable sharing of benefits among the tripartite stakeholders. This paper investigates issues surrounding the perceived inequality of benefits derived from land transactions in forestry, mining, oil and gas projects in the South Pacific country using...
Decolonizing land tenure systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: The path to modern land policy reforms
December 2020
Land tenure systems implemented in Africa today find their roots-one way or the other- in the complex colonial history of the continent. By a similar token, most African countries have embarked on land policy reforms to meet their current socio-economic, cultural, environmental and political needs and aspirations. Evidence from different parts of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) supports this claim. This paper attempts to...
Comparative analysis of risks and returns on residential property sub-market in Lagos: Case study of 1004 Estate
May 2019
The study appraised the viability of investing in residential real estate submarket in Lagos State, using the apartments in 1004 Estate as case study with a view to providing a guide for investors and portfolio managers on investment decision-making in Lagos. Lagos, a mega city being a point of attraction to real estate investors makes it necessary to undertake real estate investment performance evaluation. To achieve...
Utilization of valuations for secured lending in Abuja, the federal capital city of Nigeria
March 2019
Utilization of secured lending valuations (SLV) by deposit money banks (DMBs) has not been sufficiently investigated in Abuja, Nigeria. Adequacy of the reports, factors influencing their use and how DMBs utilized them for loans were examined. Primary data collected from Estate Valuation (ESV) firms and DMBs were analyzed. Although the study showed that substantial portions of the report were adequate, crucial aspects...
Effects of exchange rate volatility on medium/high income residential real estate investment returns In Nigeria
June 2017
This paper investigated the effects of Naira/Dollar exchange rate volatility on medium and high income residential real estate investment returns in Nigeria using EG ARCH model. It used time series data for an 11 year period between 2000 and 2010. The findings of the study reveal that exchange rate volatility has a significant negative effect on medium income and high income residential real estate investment returns in...
Home ownership determinants of the hausa-fulani ethnic group in Lagos, Nigeria
June 2017
Although many studies have been conducted in I he developed and developing world on the determinants of home ownership, very few attempts have been made to reveal these determinants in Nigeria. This study IK/.V designed to explore the determinants of home ownership among the Hausa-Fulani ethnic group lit Lagos, the most urbanized city in Nigeria, Multinomial Logit Model of three tenure choice alternatives of owning,...
Application of Quantitative Risk Assessment Techniques in Property Investment Appraisal in Enugu Urban, Nigeria
June 2017
Property investment projects are frequently subjected to unpredictable future, encompassing uncertainties and various forms of risks which impact the anticipated level of returns that should compensate for risks taken by investors. The level of sophistication in property investment risk assessment is quite elementary compared to other investment media. This state of affairs has led to project failure and loan default by...
Compliant to automated approach in managing residential income properties of Enugu State Housing Development Corporation (ESHDC)
June 2017
Prior to the emergence of automated management approach to real property administration, manual method of operation has been predominant in running the transactions of real property management in Nigeria, Increase in demand for quality and prompt services due to corresponding growth in housing needs are major issues facing Enugu Stale Housing Development Corporation (ESHDC). The study examined the use of automated...
Effective land management as an indispensable tool for improved revenue in Enugu State
June 2017
The collapse of the global oil prices has compelled the various States and Local Governments Of Nigeria to seek alternative sources of revenue to augment the dwindling revenue allocations from the Federal Government. Land has been identified as the alternative source of revenue. Such revenue will come as direct income or tax revenue. The fund-based taxes include among others tenement rates, land use charge, capital gain...
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