On GAYUF Transformed Exponential Distribution and its Properties
Article in Press
In statistical literature, various methods exist for developing new distributions. This paper introduces a new distribution derived using the GAYUF transformation. We explore several structural properties of this distribution, including moments, moment generating function, mean, variance, hazard rate and its shape, survival function, and more. The parameters of the newly developed distribution are estimated using the...
Article in Press
In this paper we introduce the concept of a generalized Lipschitz map of integral type on cone metric space over Banach algebra and prove some fixed point theorems satisfying the general contractive condition of integral type defined on cone metric over Banach algebra.
Syracuse problem: exploring a fascinating mathematical conjecture
Article in Press
Dive into the fascinating depths of the Syracuse conjecture in this captivating book. From its humble beginnings to its complex ramifications, explore a mathematical problem that has captured the imagination of researchers for decades. Discover the first empirical observations that led to the formulation of the conjecture, as well as the various attempts to solve it, from classical approaches to modern methods. But there's...
Statistical Estimate Of Time Dependent Performance Assessment Index In A Population
Article in Press
Performance assessment index in any given population is always dependent on time so that success or failure of subject(s), group or organization as the case may be can often times be assessed. In this paper we proposed and developed a nonparametric statistical method for determining at what points in a series or sequence of trials or tests in time or space subjects are most likely to attain their highest (peak) or lowest...
Article in Press
In this study, we describe a linear multistep technique for solving second order integro-differential equations. Primarily, an efficient 4 Step Block Multistep Method (4SBM), which solves initial value problems of ordinary differential equations is adopted. The 4SBM method is implemented in conjunction with a family of Newton-Co ?tes integration quadrature, as a numerical solver of integro-differential equations. In...
Article in Press
Augmented Reality (AR) is an innovative technology that augments or overlays real environment with digital or virtual content. It is used to create a close to real life experience by using digital content to bring the user into a new reality. Augmented Reality vividly shifts the location, experience, possibilities and timing of education and training. Markers used in AR Textbooks differ and can affect the application...
Development of a Fuzzy Logic Model based on Risk of Credit Default
Article in Press
The financial sector operates in a multifaceted and ever-changing environment marked by diverse risk factors, with credit risk being particularly noteworthy. This research paper introduces an innovative method for evaluating credit risk, utilizing fuzzy sets to adeptly manage the inherent uncertainties in the process. By incorporating demographic variables such as age, Employer LGA, income, marital status, education...
Article in Press
The motive of the study was to examine the Ghanaian institutes of education for technology integration in their teaching and learning. A total sample of 218 tutors were selected across the 46 Ghanaian public colleges of education. The study adopted the use of quantitative data collection and analysis method whereby a questionnaire was issued to the respondents. In order to get real-time data and for respondent...
Three-tier Model of Digital Transformation from Linear systems to nth-order Polynomials
Article in Press
The work presented a model for adapting solutions in Information Technology by rooting it in a generalized three-tier model of input-process-output. A foundation of the concept was laid in understanding existing programming paradigm and projected to the new offers in modern day programming and data science initiative. Considerations were made in several systems that portrayed this three-tier model. Emphasis on the process...
Rank Based Probability Genetic Model for predicting optimal Routing paths in MANET
Article in Press
Predicting Route path of insignificant price and high-price security is ever challenging task in Mobile Adhoc Network(MANET) due to its dynamic behavior of the system.In Manets,network of nodes always be in nature of mobility,non-stable, energy conservancy,face the Dynamic traffic allocation (DTA)problem,insecurity while forming the network and routing path prediction.Seeing all the encounters,The prediction of secured...
Article in Press
We answer the undocumented question of whether there exists a uniform algebraic expression that defines terms in Geometric Progressions (GP) whose ratios are positive integers; if so, whether the said expression defines terms in any GP whose ratios are not integers. As a solution to an easier method of generating large primes, we discover a set whose items are not pseudo-primes to base 2 of Fermat’s primality test....
Type II Half Logistic Frechet distribution: Properties and Applications to Reliability data
Article in Press
We define and study an inventive distribution called the Type II half logistic Frechet (TIIHLF) distribution. Some well-known mathematical properties; moments, incomplete moments, probability weighted moments, mean deviation, quantile function, Renyi entropy stress-strength reliability, and order statistics of TIIHLF distribution are investigated. The estimate of the parameters of the distribution are obtained via the...
A Philosophical Perspective On The Geometry Of Functions
Article in Press
Even though other sets of numbers can function much like a set of integers does, in formulating the desired output. However, we look closer on all the possible outcomes generated for all values where x is an element of integers. Not including zero for special circumstances, since length does not equal to zero. Whereas for certain circumstances where zero holds, a set of real numbers is preferred much as other values hold....
A computational method for a class of variable-order fractional differential-integral equations
Article in Press
This manuscript displays the following coupled differential-integral equations, including the Caputo fractional operator of variable orders. A numerical method based on the shifted Jacobi–Gauss collocation scheme is used to solve these equations numerically. While using this numerical method, a system of algebraic equations is constructed. This system can be solved with a recursive method in the nonlinear case and with...
Fast Methods for Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
Article in Press
Web 2.0 technologies support the creation and publishing of various social media content in a collaborative and participatory way. The use of social media by the general public has led to the creation of vast amounts of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. This has led to the adoption of social media by organisations of various sizes worldwide in order to take advantage of this new way of communication and...
Article in Press
Improving deep learning algorithm performance on remote sensing scene image analysis tasks for practical applications remains a challenge due to high within-class diversity and between-class similarity. To address this problem, we propose an approach that involves conditionally learning deep features directly over neighbor scene images. The approach utilizes a siamese network architecture to improve discriminative...
Fake News Detection for the Amharic language: Conflicts in Ethiopia
Article in Press
Many individuals are currently migrating away from their current place as a result of fake news spread on social media platforms such as Facebook, Telegram, Imo, and WhatsApp. Due to this, the Ethiopian government and people face several problems, including food, water, electricity, and transportation. As a result, in this paper, we provide a deep learning-based Amharic fake new detection model that can distinguish between...
Application of the boundary element method to traffic flow
Article in Press
The boundary element method is a numerical computational method of solving partial differential equations which have been formulated as integral equations. It can be applied in many areas of engineering and science including fluid mechanics, acoustics, electromagnetics, and fracture mechanics. The method can be seen as a weighted residual method for solving partial differential equations, characterized by choosing an...
Article in Press
Quasi-Newton methods are among the most practical and efficient iterative methods for solving unconstrained optimization problem . These methods accelerate the steepest-descent technique for function minimization by using computational history to generate a sequence of approximations to the inverse of the Hessian matrix. Among those Quasi-Newton methods we focus on two different update formulas, which use line search...
Article in Press
Churn prediction model monitors the customer relationship management in order to preserve the customers who are anticipated to quit from provided service. This study aims to identify variables which are more relevant for the prediction of customer churn. This study collected secondary data from 7403 customers consisting of information about customer demographics, services subscribed to and account information which was...
A Recommendation System For Retail Banking Products
Article in Press
Retail banking is the bedrock of most banks in Kenya. The competition landscape in the sector has evolved considerably over the years, with profound implications for efficiency and stability for the banking sector. Innovations continue to alter the landscape in the banking sector and are envisioned to shape the evolution of credit allocation and delivery of services. With financial institutions having customer bases of...
Predicting student academic performance using Artificial neural network
Article in Press
In academics, performance prediction is relevant to student classification. Precise predictions in advance are of high concern for educational institutions. Conventional techniques of classifying students may not be efficient. However, using computing techniques may be helpful. Artificial Neural network is employed to complete the performance prediction procedure over MATLAB simulation tool. Efficiency of Neural Network is...
Article in Press
In this communication, another theoretic Property of the (123)- Avoiding class of AUNU permutation patterns is x-rayed. Here, we consider the Polygonal and Circular representations as studied by Paulus Gerdes of these patterns with a view of exploring more of their pictorial applications in relation to interconnection Networks e.t.c. These algebraic structures had found wide applications in almost all facets of applied...
Fixed Point Theorem for Four Self Mappings On Dislocated Quasi b-Metric Space
Article in Press
In this paper we have proved a fixed point theorem for Banach contraction mapping in dislocated quasi b-metric space. We have also obtained a common fixed point theorem for a pair of four self mapping in dislocated quasi b-metric spaces. We have concluded examples in order to validate our establish theorem, main results and corollaries. Our result unifies, extends and improvises many known results existing in current...
Teacher Ngao girls’ secondary school
Article in Press
In this research a short proof of the abc conjecture is presented. It is shown that the product of the distinct prime factors of ABC is greater than the square-root of c. An identity connecting c and rad (ABC) is used to establish the lower limit value of rad (abc) in relationship to c.
Article in Press
This paper prove some xed point and common xed point theorems for pair of mappings satisfying contraction condition of integral type dened on cone metric space over a Banach algebra
Article in Press
In this study, an Order Level Inventory Model for delayed (non-instantaneous) deteriorating items was constructed. The paper investigated an instantaneous replenishment inventory policy for a non-instantaneous deteriorating item considering time-dependent consumption rate under permissible delay in payments, meaning that, the retailer was allowed a grace period of time to settle for the goods or product supplied to him. In...
Sensitivity Analysis Of Black-Scholes Formula Arising In Financial Mathematics
Article in Press
Options pricing without proper understanding of the sensitivities letters the essential measures of risk in option pricing theory and profit/loss guideposts in options pricing strategies is synonymous to flying a plane without the ability to study the instruments. Option pricing/valuation is complex activity in determining the pair price of derivative, as there are a lot of factors involved in the process which ...
An Illustrative And Provable Speedy Rsa Decryption Process
Article in Press
In a bid to provide an effective way of providing confidentiality, researchers have invented a new promising form of encryption called homomorphic encryption to improve the security level and running time of RSA public-key cryptosystem. RSA algorithm is known for its security but execution speed is a demerit. This speed is due to the involvement of large bits of numbers in the three stages of its operations (key...
Application of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations to Simple harmonic and damped Motion
Article in Press
In this paper, Application of Second Order ordinary differential equations to Simple harmonic and damped Motion. , simple harmonic system which can easily be solved by period of motion, frequency of motion, equation of motion, amplitude and phase and phase constant. the damping force acts in a direction to the motion and solved by the general solutions of both homogenous(no external force) and non-homogenous (with external...
Strong convergence theorem for finite family of generalised asymptotically nonexpansive maps
Article in Press
Let K be a nonexpansive retract of a uniformly convex Banach space X with retraction P and Ti:1 ;m : K ô€€€! X a finite family of uniformly countinous generalised asymptotically nonexpansive maps with a nonempty common fixed points set F. We provided and proved sufficient conditions for the strong convergence of a sequence of successive approximations generated by m-step algorithm to a point of F.
Article in Press
Person re identification is one of the most challenging field of research, and yet it is very important in computer vision. Due to its challenges it still has many areas which are open for research. It is usually applied to the re identification of a person appearing on one camera as the same person identified previously by another camera on the same camera network. Person re identification is normally applied in security...
Article in Press
The study investigated the impacts of buoyancy force and heat source on a reactive third grade fluid flow within parallel channel. The results obtained for the coupled equations governing the fluid flow which are strongly nonlinear are secured using modified Adomian decomposition method (mADM). The present result is compared with the one in Makinde (2009) where the influence of buoyancy force and heat source were not...
Article in Press
Quantum mechanics is one of the branches of physics and is a fundamental theory which explains the nature of atoms and subatomic particles at the smallest scale of energy.In this mechanics, physical problems are solved by algebraic and analytic methods. By applying Laplace Transform we can find the general solutions of one dimensional Schrodinger’s time - independent wave equation for a particle in an infinite square...
Yelli - a new extraction optimization approach to Frequent 2-itemsets
Article in Press
In this paper, we propose a new optimization approach to the APRIORI reference algorithm (AGR 94) for 2-itemsets (sets of cardinal 2). The approach used is based on two-item sets. We start by calculating the 1-itemets supports (cardinal 1 sets), then we prune the 1-itemsets that are not frequent and keep only those that are frequent (ie those that have the itemsets whose values are greater than or equal to a fixed minimum...
An Application on Weighted Composition Operators on Hardy Spaces
Article in Press
Let ϕ, (ϕ+ε) be closely analytic functions defined on D, such that ϕ(D)⊆D. The operator given by f⟼(ϕ+ε)(f∘ϕ) is called a weighted composition operator. We show the boundedness, compactness, weak compactness, and complete continuity of weighted composition operators on Hardy spaces H_(1+ε) (ε≥0). We show that such an operator is compact on H1 if and only if it is weakly compact on this space. This result...
Analysis of A Vaccination Mathematical Model of An Infectious Measles Disease
Article in Press
Mathematical modeling has provided a lot of solutions to the control of spread of epidemic diseases. In this paper, the analysis of a vaccination Mathematical model of an infectious Measles disease was carried out. The Model which is an SVEIR epidemic model was investigated in which the incidence rate was considered. The model was formulated and analytical study of the formulated model showed that the model has two...
On The Action Of Mobile Loads On An Uninterrupted Cylindrical Tunnel
Article in Press
The stationary transport load acts on the surface of the cavity or on the inner surface of the shell reinforcing cavity. The speed of the load movement is assumed to be subsonic, which corresponds to the modern transport speeds in the underground facilities under study. To describe the motion of a half-space and thick-walled shells, dynamic equations of the theory of elasticity in Lamé potentials are used, and for...
Hydromagnetic natural convection flow with heat absorption in annulus under radial magnetic field
Article in Press
This paper examines the heat absorption fluid on natural convection flow in a vertical concentric annulus under a radial applied magnetic field. Exact solution momentum and energy equation are solved. The aim is to see the influence of each governing parameter on dimensionless velocity, temperature, volume flow rate, rate of heat transfer, skin friction and bulk temperature are discussed. During the course of the numerical...
On a character associated to a representation of Cartan subgroup of an acceptable Lie group
Article in Press
Let G be a connected semi-simple Lie group, g its Lie algebra, j a Cartan subalgebra of g, jc be a complexification of j and Jc the analytic Cartan subgroup associated with jc. Let Φ denote the set of roots of the pair (gc,jc). If α is an element of Φ, then there exists a holomorphic homomorphism ξα of Jc into C* such that : ξα(expH) = eα(H) ∀ H ∈ jc. Let π be a representation of jc in a finite dimensional...
Article in Press
In this paper, a rigorous proof of the strong Goldbach Conjecture is provided. This proof is mainly based on application of Chebotarev -Artin theorem ,Mertens formula ‘s . By using the principle of inclusion -exclusion of Moivre in the set which elements are in arithmetic progression We show that it is always possible to find at least one pair of prime numbers according to the validity of the condition [1]....
An elegant and short proof of Goldbach conjecture
Article in Press
In this paper several methods are examined for proving the Goldbach conjecture. At the preliminary analysis stage a Diophantine equation solution method is proposed for Goldbach partition of a Goldbach number. The proof method proposed however is found to be incomplete since it does not have mechanisms for dealing with the prime gap problem. On the further analysis section some graphical and linear analytical methods are...
Implementing Chiu’s fixed lifetime inventory model
Article in Press
The fixed lifetime inventory system with zero or positive leadtime has being considered by various authors, with the aim of reducing the quantity outdating in the inventory system. Chiu (1995), considered the positive leadtime case by approximating the expected shortage quantity, the expected outdate quantity and the expected on hand inventory. His result was a ordering policy where are the ordered quantity and the reorder...
Article in Press
In this paper the concept of a generalized fuzzy soft point is introduced and some of its basic properties are studied. Also, the concepts of a generalized fuzzy soft base (subbase) and a generalized fuzzy soft subspace are introduced and some important theorems are established
Some combinatorial problems in the symmetric inverse semigroups
Article in Press
The subsemigroup of order-preserving and order-decreasing and order-reversing partial one-one transformation were studied. The element of partial one-one transformation was constructed and the combinatorial results of their cardinality, fix point, height, waist and idempotent were enumerated. Finally, the results were presented and highlighted open problems.
Article in Press
Given a differential equation with the condition ), where is any point in the domain of y, we can define an initial value problem as a problem whose solution is being sought for at a particular point. Therefore an initial value problem is of the form; , ), for where is the domain of .In this work we shall concern ourselves with the analysis of first order ordinary equations of initial value type which are of the form =...
Analytical Solution of the Ebola Epidemic model by Homotopy Perturbation method
Article in Press
In this paper, we present a mathematical model of Ebola disease comprising differential equations. We employ the Homotopy perturbation method to the proposed model to determine both the analytic and approximate solutions. Following our results we then observed that Homotopy perturbation method is one the most crucial and effective as just few perturbation terms are enough to obtain a reasonable accurate solution. The...
Article in Press
Government revenue and expenditure relationship had been a source of concern in statistics, given its relevance in National Economic Planning and Policy making in Nigeria especially with respect to growth and stability of the economy. The purpose of this research work is to investigate and compare the estimates of 2SLS and 3SLS in predicting revenue and expenditure of Nigeria using revenue and expenditure data sourced from...
Heteroscedasticity in One Way Multivariate Analysis Of Variance
Article in Press
This work aimed at developing an alternative procedure to MANOVA test when there is problem of heteroscedasticity of dispersion matrices and compared the procedure with an existing multivariate test for vector of means (by Johanson). The alternative procedure was developed by adopting Satterthwaite’s approach of univariate test for unequal variances. The approach made use of approximate degree of freedom method in one...
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