Article in Press
In Côte d'Ivoire, corn is one of the most widely consumed foodstuffs. However, this product suffers from pest damage during storage and preservation, mainly caused by insects. The aim of this study is to identify the insects associated with corn cobs and evaluate their effect in Tengrela, Bagoué region. Three sub-prefectures were selected: Kanakono, Debeté and Papara. In each sub-prefecture, three batches of 30 cobs of...
Article in Press
Partitioned extracts of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides were investigated for biopesticidal effect on Callosobruchus maculatus with aim of identifying the most active components and increase ease of handling when compared to bulk crude plant material used by farmers. Crude powder of Z. zanthoxyloides was made as well as partition extracts using Kupchan partition extraction methods with methanol, acetone, ethyl acetate and...
Article in Press
Seed production environment and genetic makeup are factors that can affect seed quality of different crop species however, the effect of seed production environment on seed viability and seedling vigour attributes of pigeon pea genotypes in a modified environment (180C,rh+ 35%) was investigated. Dry seed samples from 30 pigeon pea genotypes used for the study were collected from derived savanna (Ibadan) and rainforest...
Article in Press
The effect of four concentration levels of 1-methylcyclopropene-C4H6 (17.5µl/L, 10.5µl/L, 3.5 µl/L and 0 µl/L or untreated control) was investigated under ambient conditions (22+1 °C and 80 + 5% RH) on physicochemical quality attributes and shelf life extension of dessert banana (Musa AAA Group, Cavendish Subgroup, cultivar ‘Poyo’, syn: ‘Robusta’). Treatment with increased concentration levels of C4H6 generally extended...
Article in Press
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is consumed by over 200 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). CSIR-Crops Research Institute in 2016 officially released the first four commercial varieties. This research was undertaken to determine the interactive effect of moisture content and storage condition on the seed quality of common bean seeds stored in the humid region of Ghana. The moisture content (MC) were 8% and...
Article in Press
The present study was carried out to determine the effects of different concentrations of calcium chloride (CaCl2) on quality and shelf life of tomato fruits harvested at the standard physiologically matured green stage (Maturity Index I). Galilee, a nationally released variety in Ethiopia, was used for the experiment. The treatments were: dipping the fruits for 20 minutes in 2000 ml of distilled water, which contain0%...
Article in Press
The shelf life and quality mango fruits could be affected by various factors including the type of cultivar, pre-harvest conditions and practices, maturity at harvest, and harvesting handling procedures and treatment. The study was carried out to compare and determine the effect of Hot Water and Sodium Hypochlorite solution on overall shelf life, Physiological Weight Loss (PWL %) and pH of mango fruits (Mangifera indica...
Hermetic Storage of Maize Grain in Repurposed Food Oil Containers to Control Maize Weevils.
Article in Press
Insect-related grain loss is a significant problem in Uganda and other countries in Sub Saharan Africa. The maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky) is one of the major insect pests that infests stored maize grain (Zea mays spp. Linneaus). This study demonstrates the feasibility of hermetic or “air-tight” storage for protecting maize from maize weevil damage using low-cost repurposed food oil containers. Maize...
Article in Press
Essential oils from leaves of Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Fuss (Apiaceae) and Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa (Mill.) J.W. Moore (Myrtaceae) were evaluated for their repellent properties, insecticidal and fumigant activities against Dinoderus porcellus Lesne (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). The essential oils of these plants were obtained by Clevenger-type hydro distillation method with yield of 0.47% and 1.09% w/w for P....
Article in Press
Solar dryers have been used for decades in drying agricultural products, at varying degrees of success. The quest for improved performance of, and access to solar dryers has led to the development of several designs of solar dryers. This study evaluated the performance of the DehytrayTM, a relatively new solar dryer made up of food grade plastic, in comparison with sun drying using plantain, okra and pepper as test crops...
Article in Press
The aim of the study was to assess the nutritional composition of thermized dates palm fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivated in Algeria and stored under Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP). In this research, fresh dates palm fruits at harvest (Phoenix dactylifera L.) have been subjected at heat treatment at 55 ± 2 °C for 20 minutes in a ventilated oven. The samples were packed in specific Polyethylene Terephthalate...
Article in Press
Maize is the second most widely grown cereal and gaining importance as highly nutritious crop in Ethiopia. However, evidences showed that maize is severely damaged by storage insects, mainly Sitophilus sp. and need further research to minimize losses due to this pest in storage. In line with this, research was initiated to evaluate the efficacy of three botanical plants powders against S. zeamais under laboratory...
Article in Press
A study was conducted at the Seed Laboratory of the Njala Agricultural Research Centre (NARC) to evaluate the seed quality traits of five cowpea genotypes at room temperature (25 ± 2 oC). The five genotypes studied were Slipeas 1, 2, 4, 5 and local Tabe. The trial was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) in four replicates. The results indicated that the local variety (Tabe) had the highest percentage of seed...
Article in Press
Rice is a crop that contributes to food security and farm income in Fogera district. Despite its contribution, there is a considerable loss in rice production at the farm level. Reducing losses at the farm level are important policy objectives to optimally design interventions targeted at reducing losses. Thus, this study assessed the extent of postharvest loss in rice at different stages at the farm level and factors...
Article in Press
This study analyzed post-harvest loss of sesame the case of large-scale producers in Kafta Humera district of Western Zone, Tigray region, Ethiopia. It was specifically aimed to address the research gaps by measuring post-harvest loss and analyzing its determinants of sesame produced by large-scale producers. For addressing these objectives the study used primary and secondary data obtained from field survey and desk...
Article in Press
Phytochemical screening and effectiveness of Dioscorea sansibarensis (Zanzibar yam) leaves, bulbils and yams powders were assessed as protectants of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) against Bruchus chinensis beetle. 0.5 g of leaves powder on 50g of beans (0.99 w/w %) inhibited oviposition by 35.42% and yams powder reduced adult emergence from Ph. vulgaris by 37.03%. Bulbils powder showed less performance in all the bioassay...
Article in Press
Confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum is a major pest of grains and grain products. Some legumes hitherto not used as major food are gaining interest due to increase in human population and the need of food and feeds. Susceptibility of fresh and processed Glycine max and Cajanus cajan flours, and white wheat flour (control) to T. confusum was studied towards planning effective storage techniques, and developing cheap...
Article in Press
Chitosan and some natural plant extracts were tested to maintain post harvest quality of orange fruits. Edible coatings based on chitosan (CH), Aloe veragel (AL), Jatropha Oil (JO), its combination with Aloe veragel (CHAL) and Aloe veragel with Jatropha Oil (JO) (CHALJO), were developed and applied on orange fruits, in order to improve its quality and shelf life during ambient storage. Weight loss, changes in soluble...
Drying characteristics and antioxidant properties of Java plum seed and skin waste
Article in Press
Java plum seeds and skin wastes recovered after passing fruits through a pulper were separated manually and dried in tray/fluidised bed drier at 50, 70 and 90˚C or in freeze drier at -55°C at 4.4 torr. Drying behaviour of java plum seeds and skin followed falling rate period and described adequately by Page's model. Drying rate constant was higher for fluidized bed drier varying from 0.00163 to 0.255406 h-1 for seeds and...
Article in Press
Five and ten percentage rates of leaf powder of Calpurnia aurea (Ait.) Benth and Millettia ferruginea (Hochst) Baker as well as red and white local inert dusts each and their integration with resistance varieties of maize were evaluated as protectant against Sitophlus zeamais under laboratory condition. All treatments of the tested management tactics induced significantly (p < 0.05) higher adult mortality of weevils (8.33...
Article in Press
Kola nuts (Cola nitida [Vent.] Schott and Endl.) are relevant to trade, and sustains livelihood as food, source of income, stimulatory and medical potentials. The phytochemical content is useful in several industrial processes. The duration and methods of storage may affect the phytochemical content of C. nitida. This study investigated the phytochemical effects of lining kola nuts with leaves of Moonseed (Triclisia...
Farmers traditional practices for pre and post-harvest pest control in crop production
Article in Press
Indigenous technical knowledge involves practices evolved by the farmers on their own experiences, which are passed from generation to generation. Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides in present day agriculture had lead to deposition of toxic residues in the food materials. However due to awareness on the health food products interest was turned towards indigenous technological practices...
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