November 2021
Bovine aortic arch: Cases report
A bovine aortic arch is the most common variant of aortic arch branching in humans with a frequency ranging from 15 to 27% (1-2). It will be considered as a risk factor for aortopathy as anevrysm and dissection. Two cases were reported with association of bovine aortic arch and aortopathy. In both cases, the discovery of the anomaly of the aortic arch was fortuitous. A bovine aortic arch is frequent in patients with...
November 2021
Use of a composite survival curve to optimise timing of surgical repair of Truncus arteriosus
Surgical repair of Truncus arteriosus aims to improve long term survival. A clear understanding of the natural history and achievable surgical outcomes informs surgical decision making with respect to the timing of surgery. We sought to determine if it is ever too late to repair T. arteriosus. Pubmed and Google scholar were searched between January 1st 1966 and July 31st 2021. The proximal similarly model was used to...