February 2013
Recent trends in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most widely prevalent cyst forming apicomplexan parasite present worldwide. Felines serve as definitive hosts, while all non-feline vertebrates including humans, act as intermediate hosts of the parasite. There are several serological tests available for the detection of T. gondii antibodies such as the dye test (DT), indirect haemagglutination test (IHA), complement...
February 2013
Measles complications in a Nigerian hospital setting
In spite of active measles vaccination efforts in 2005 in southern Nigeria, re-emergence continues to occur. This study was carried out to ascertain the incidence of measles, severity, mortality and its complications, in order to enhance treatment and reduce under-five child mortality. Secondary data from the records in the measles ward of Oni Memorial Children’s Hospital, Ibadan was used. The period under...