June 2010
Comparison between clozapine, an atypical antipsychotic agent and haloperidol, a conventional agent used to treat schizophrenia
An observational and comparative study was conducted to compare the functional outcome between the patients treated with conventional antipsychotic agent haloperidol and atypical antipsychotic agent Clozapine (clozaril). A total of 32 patients were included in the study with established schizophrenia according to (DSM iv). The data was processed on SSPE 10th version. The primary outcome measure was the improvement...
June 2010
Febrile convulsion and emotional stress
Acute symptomatic convulsions triggered by the fever without the presence of the central nervous system infections or any electrolyte imbalance in the children aged between six months and six years, not having previously known neurological anomalies are called febrile convulsion (FC). In this study, the effect of the emotional stress factor on the febrile convulsion was investigated. In the study, 150 patients, newly...
June 2010
Compartment syndrome
Compartment syndrome is a condition that trauma surgeons are familiar with. A high index of suspicion is needed among clinicians for early recognition and timely referral of this limb and life threatening condition. Key words: Compartment syndrome, fasciotomy, hyperbaric oxygen.