May 2013
An ancient mystery ‘unearthed’!
A 29-year-old female had presented to surgical out patient’s department complaining of lump in the anterior abdominal wall. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a solid degenerated tumor in the anterior abdominal wall. It was surgically excised and histopathology confirmed it to be ‘ancient’ schwannoma. To our knowledge, this is the second reported case of an abdominal wall ancient...
May 2013
Desmoid tumours: The aggressive fibromatosis
Desmoid tumours are benign tumours that have a tendency to be locally invasive. We present a desmoid tumour of the lower abdominal wall in a 30 year old female patient, discussed the treatment options and reviewed literature of this uncommon lesion. Key words: Desmoid, abdominal wall, benign tumour.