International Journal of
Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Biodivers. Conserv.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-243X
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJBC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 685

Table of Content: April 2013; 5(4)

April 2013

Trends in wildlife conservation practices in Nigeria

Civilization and development came with force of manipulations on the habitats of most wildlife so as to meet the needs of man. Urge for propagation and sustainability of wild flora and fauna brought about conservation practices that led to designating particular locations for their keeping. These areas are set aside to maintain functioning natural ecosystems to act as refuge for species and to maintain ecological...

Author(s): Ejidike B. N. and Ajayi S. R.

April 2013

Synanthropic indices and baits preferences of common non-biting flies (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Non-biting fly surveys in urban, rural, and forested areas of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, using rotten meat, fish fruits and human faeces, for collection yielded 4290 and 2474 flies from 9 families in the wet and dry seasons, respectively. Synanthropic Indices (SI) of 15 species were calculated for the wet season, of which 10 species were positively synanthropic, and five negatively synanthropic to human settlements. In...

Author(s): M. S. Ekanem, M. O. Idiong and E. J. Usua

April 2013

Taxonomic revision of genus Hordeum L. (Gramineae) in Egypt

This study was conducted to revise the taxonomic identity and clarify inter- and intra-specific relationships among the studied wild and cultivated Hordeum taxa in Egypt. The studied taxa includedHordeum marinum subsp. gussoneanum, H. marinum subsp. marinum, H. Hordeum leporinum,Hordeum glaucum, Hordeum spontaneum and Hordeum vulgare. The results revealed...

Author(s): Wafaa. M. Amer, Ahmad. K. Hegazy and Safwat. A. Azer

April 2013

Benthic insect diversity in the sewage fed pond of Aligarh Region

The paper deals with the study of benthic insect diversity of a sewage fed pond of Aligarh. Although, insects are common components of the benthic communities, their role in the dynamics of the aquatic ecosystem and their contribution to biomass production is not well known. The compostion and abundance of benthic insects are commonly used as bioindicator to determine the impact of water pollution. The present study was...

Author(s): Habeeba Ahmad Kabir, Saltanat Parveen, Uzma and Altaf

April 2013

Diversity and nutritional status of edible insects in Nigeria: A review

Information on insects as food in Nigeria was collected by reviewing the literature of what scientists have done locally in the country. A list of 22 edible insect species from six orders were compiled. Of these, 77.3% were Lepidoptera (27.3%), Coleoptera (27.3%), Orthoptera (22.7%) and 22.7% Isoptera, Hemiptera and Hymenoptera. These insects are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Some anti-nutritional factors are...

Author(s): Alamu, O. T., Amao, A. O., Nwokedi, C. I., Oke, O. A. and Lawa, I. O.

April 2013

Varietal diversity and genetic erosion of cultivated yams (Dioscorea cayenensis Poir - D. rotundata Lam complex and D. alata L.) in Togo

Yam (Dioscorea cayenensis Poir - Dioscorea rotundata Lam complex; Dioscorea alata L.) is one of the major food crops that significantly contribute to food security and poverty alleviation in Togo. To assess its cultivar diversity and document the performence of existing cultivars vis-à-vis biotic and abiotic factors, 50 villages were randomly selected throughout the country and...

Author(s): Dansi A., Dantsey-Barry H., Dossou-Aminon I., N&#;Kpenu E. K., Agré A. P., Sunu Y. D., Kombaté K., Loko Y. L., Dansi M., Assogba P. and Vodouhè R.

April 2013

Diversity and distribution of Mollusca in relation to the physico-chemical profile of Gho-Manhasan stream, Jammu (J & K)

The present communication is aimed at assessing the molluscan diversity and distribution under the impact of some physico-chemical variables on them in Gho-Manhasan stream (a distributory of Chenab), Jammu (J & K).  The study involved bottom sampling for 12 months (June, 2010 to July, 2011) from the banks of the stream and registered a total of 11 taxa of freshwater molluscs from class Gastropoda and Bivalvia...

Author(s): K. K. Sharma, Komal Bangotra and Minakshi Saini

April 2013

Rice landraces of Kerala State of India: A documentation

Rice landraces of Kerala State of India are named based on cropping season, growing conditions, crop duration, morphological features, color of seed and other specific traits, if any. The collections of landraces of Kerala are classified as rare, very rare and common. A part of these collected accessions have been characterized. DIVA-GIS was used to map the collection site, which showed that the collections...

Author(s): Latha M., Abdul Nizar M., Abraham Z., Joseph John K., R. Asokan Nair, Mani S. and M. Dutta