August 2013
Towards sustainable financing of protected areas: A brief overview of pertinent issues
According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) now known as the World Conservation Union (IUCN), a protected area refers to a clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values. The recognition of the role of protected...
August 2013
Mangrove forests of river estuaries of Odisha, India
A clear and current picture of the mangrove forests extant in different river estuaries of the Odisha state of the Indian sub-continent have been provided in this communication. Apart from their role in upgrading the state’s economy, the other features exploited by the local inhabitants have been highlighted in brief. Effective measures for the conservation of these rare and unique ecosystems have also...
August 2013
Potent anticancer compounds from the ocean
Over 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by oceans, and it is an established fact now, that life originated in the oceans. Additionally, the oceans are also the source of matchless natural products that are mainly accumulated in living organisms. Several bioactive compounds of therapeutic interest have been isolated from marine invertebrates, and some of them have been reported to be of microbial...
August 2013
Knowledge and attitude of peasants towards birds in church forests in Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia
Residents who have lived in the same area for extended periods can provide valuable insights into changes that have taken place in the diversity and abundance of local wildlife. Birds are among the best known parts of the earth’s biodiversity. This study was conducted in three selected church forests located in different agroclimate zones (“Kola”, “Weyna Dega” and...
August 2013
Prevalence and seasonal periodicity of endophytic coelomycetous fungi in Tamil Nadu, India
The present study reports 2,644 endophytic isolates; only 74 different morphospecies of coelomycetes have been isolated and identified from 14,400 segments of healthy tissues such as leaves (4,800), stem (4,800) and bark (4,800). Each plant tissue with 300 segments was studied in a Petri dish containing 10 segments; totally, 30 plates were studied with four seasons. Totally, 74 coelomycetes...
August 2013
Linking population size to conservation needs of the Grey Parrot in Cameroon
Unsustainable exploitation of the wild Grey Parrot is a complex and challenging phenomenon for governments and international organizations to tackle. The need to reverse the negative impacts of exploitation on the Grey Parrot population and to conserve it for future generations formed the basis of this study. Population data on the Grey Parrot in Cameroon were obtained using the point count method with two counting...
August 2013
The folk biology of South American-native shrub, Mimosa pigra L. [Leguminosae] and its invasive success in Rwanda
Although, the probability of an alien plant species to become invasive in natural or semi-natural habitats is relatively low, the introduction of new taxa should always be regarded as a sensitive issue because the effects of an insertion of an invasive species are likely to be prohibitive as well as external. Ideally, plant species with an invasive potential should not be allowed to enter a country and,...
August 2013
Local vulnerability, Forest communities and Forest-carbon conservation: case of southern Cameroon
The mechanism for reducing carbon emissions through forest conservation is dominating climate policy processes in many tropical forests countries. However, there are concerns about the implications of these activities on forest-dependent communities, who are vulnerable to climatic stresses. Reconciling local vulnerability, adaptive capacity and forests carbon conservation initiatives is necessary but...
August 2013
Studies on biodiversity of fleshy fungi in Navsari (South Gujarat), India
Mushrooms have created great excitement because of their presence especially after the down pour during the monsoon season. So a detailed survey was made in and around Navsari, south Gujarat, from July to September, 2010, to understand the morphological variability in their population which has not been done earlier. The region is a habitat of well distributed micro flora and fauna. Navsari is located between...
August 2013
Herpetofauna of Thummalapalle uranium mining area, Andhra Pradesh, India
The present study on herpetofauna in Thummalapalle uranium mining area resulted in a collection of 52 species belonging to 17 families. Snakes were the dominant group with 20 species. Most species recorded are in the least concerned and not assessed categories, and only two species (Geochelone elegans and Lissemys punctata) were in the lower risk - least concern category and one species...
August 2013
Genetic variability and association between agronomic characters in some potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes in SNNPRS, Ethiopia
Thirteen (13) potato genotypes were evaluated for genetic variability and association of agronomic characters among themselves and tuber yield. The study aimed to find out the genetic variability, and interrelationships among different characters in potato. The plot design used for the experiment was a randomized complete block design with three replications. The analysis of variance showed that the...