February 2015
A new locality record for an endangered tree species Pittosporum eriocarpum Royle (Pittosporaceae) in India
Pittosporum eriocarpum Royle (Pittosporaceae) an endangered tree species is collected and reported for the first time from the Kangri, Dhamrol village of Bhoranj block which is quite near to Bhareri of Jahu road of district Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, North West Himalaya. This makes another locality record for an endangered tree species in the North West Himalaya. A detailed taxonomic description of the species along...
February 2015
Role of revegetation in restoring fertility of degraded mined soils in Ghana: A review
The topsoil gets seriously damaged during mineral extraction. The consequences of physical disturbance to the topsoil during stripping, stockpiling and reinstatement results in soil degradation through loss of soil structure, accelerated soil erosion, excessive leaching, compaction, reduced soil pH, accumulation of heavy metals in soils, depletion of organic matter, decreased plant available nutrients, reduced cation...
February 2015
Incidences of fetal deaths in rescued female leopards (Panthera-pardus) of Shivalik Hills in Northern India
Twelve adult female leopards trapped in snare traps were rescued from Shivalik Hills areas of Himachal Pradesh. Of the 12 female leopards, 33.33% (4) leopards were found pregnant while others 66.67% (8) female leopards were non pregnant. Of the eight dead female leopards, 62.5% of trapped female leopards died because of body gripper trap injuries while in 37.5% of female leopards the cause of mortality was feet trap...
February 2015
Trade of the most popular Indigenous fruits and nuts, threats and opportunities for their sustainable management around the Ivindo National Park (INP), Gabon
Sustainable management of forest resources in and around national parks continues to be a growing challenge in Gabon. Rural people living close by national parks continue to depend on those forest resources to meet their various livelihoods needs despite strict governmental restriction on access and use of forest resources, especially inside of national parks. Hence, most of these resources are mismanaged and...
February 2015
Social organization in the mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) population in the Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia
This study was conducted in 2009 and 2011 in the Bale Mountains National Park in Ethiopia to assess social organization of endemic and endangered mountain nyala. The main objectives of this study were to identify social group types of the mountain nyala in the park, and to determine the frequency of occurrences, group sizes and number of age/sex categories in social group types. Based on age/sex composition,...
February 2015
The diversity, abundance and habitat association of medium and large-sized mammals of Dati Wolel National Park, Western Ethiopia
Knowledge of the faunal diversity, abundance and habitat preference are basics for the status determination and proposing appropriate conservation measures. A survey was conducted to assess the diversity, relative abundance and habitat association of medium and large-sized mammals of the Dati Wolel National Park, Western Ethiopia from September 2012 to April 2013. It was hypothesized that the area is rich in mammalian...
February 2015
Abundance and community composition of small mammals in different habitats in Hugumburda forest, northern Ethiopia
Tropical forest ecosystems harbor several species of small mammals. Diversity and abundance of small mammals in these forests reflect the quality and diversity of the ecosystems. The current study was carried out to assess abundance and species composition of small mammals (rodents and shrews) in three habitat types (Pterolobium, Juniperus and Cadia habitats) in Hugumburda forest, a dry afromontane forest in the Tigray...