International Journal of
Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Biodivers. Conserv.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-243X
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJBC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 685

Table of Content: July 2011; 3(7)

July 2011

Role of participatory research on natural resource management: A case of Karnali Watershed Area, Nepal

  This paper discusses the development trends of participatory research in Nepal with reference to natural resource management, taking example from Karnali watershed area. The issues discussed in this paper clearly indicate that there is urgent need   to promote the participatory action research on environment and development for the   proper links between population, development,...

Author(s): Kabi Prasad Pokhrel

July 2011

Diversity of parasites from Middle Paraná system freshwater fishes, Argentina

  Investigation into taxonomy at the local and regional level is essential. It is necessary to make an inventory of the local biodiversity to enhance the efforts of the region with respect to scientific research. Argentina is one of the most diverse countries in the world and little is known about the diversity of invertebrate species of ichthyoparasites of inland aquatic ecosystems. The Middle Paraná...

Author(s): Silvina B. Chemes and Ricardo M. Takemoto

July 2011

Mass of Prunus africana stem barks on the Mount Cameroon forest

  Prunus africana is a species of the Rosaceae family, known under its trade/pilot name aspygeum or African cherry. The bark is the major source of an extract used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, an increasingly common health problem in older men in the western world. A study for estimating the mass of the stem barks of P. africana was carried out in December, 2011 on...

Author(s): Jean Lagarde Betti and Joseph Ambara

July 2011

Spatial correlates of land-use changes in the Maasai-Steppe of Tanzania: Implications for conservation and environmental planning

  Spatially explicit models are becoming increasingly important tools for simulating land-use change. In this study, we formulated and tested models that incorporated spatial correlates of agricultural expansion and used them to predict local- and landscape-scale patterns of agricultural land-use change and its implications in the Maasai-Steppe of Northern Tanzania. We evaluated the relationship between...

Author(s): Fortunata U. Msoffe,, Mohammed Y. Said, Joseph O. Ogutu, Shem C. Kifugo, Jan de Leeuw, Paul van Gardingen and Robin S. Reid

July 2011

Deforestation and endangered indigenous tree species in South-West Nigeria

  Literature is replete with evidence of deforestation of the tropical forest. In Nigeria, studies on deforestation also abound. This report, which is built on the government forests in South West Nigeria attempts to provide a basic linkage between deforestation and endangered indigenous tree species. Endangered indigenous forest trees in South West Nigeria are further threatened by lack of commitment and...

Author(s): Alamu, L. O. and Agbeja, B. O.

July 2011

Diversity and status of ethno-medicinal plants of Almora district in Uttarakhand, India

  The present contribution relates to the diversity of the medicinal flora of the world famous Almora district of the Central Himalaya in the state of Uttarakhand (India). The paper describes distribution and local/traditional uses of the 188 medicinal flora representing 80 families, in which 35 species were trees, 112 were herbs, 35 were shrubs and 06 were climbers. These identify the plants that need...

Author(s): Priti Kumari, G. C. Joshi and L. M. Tewari

July 2011

Comparative analysis of local populations’ perceptions of socio-economic determinants of vegetation degradation in sudano-guinean area in Benin (West Africa)

  Perceptions of socio-economic determinants of the vegetation degradation were studied in the district of Djidja, located in the Sudano-Guinean area in Benin. The socio-economic surveys aimed to collect perceptions of farmers, ranchers, loggers and charcoal producers on socio-economic determinants of degradation of vegetation cover. These perceptions have been analysed by factorial analysis. By decreasing...

Author(s): Arouna Ousséni, Toko Ismaïla, Djogbénou C. Paul and Sinsin Brice