July 2013
Diversity of fishes in relation to physcio-chemical properties of Manakudy estuary, Southwest coast of India
Present study deals with fish diversity and physico-chemical properties of Manakudy estuary. Thirty-eight (38) species of fin and shell fishes of commercial importance were recorded during the study period (February 2010 to January 2011), higher than that of previous observations. Average fish catch in these estuary ranged from 80 to 280 kg/day, comprising mainly Etroplus suratensis (Pearl...
July 2013
Seasonal variations in seagrass biomass and productivity in Palk Bay, Bay of Bengal, India
Seagrass meadows are valuable habitats having economic and ecological importance in coastal ecosystem. The major seagrass meadows in India exist along the southeast coast of India, particularly in Palk Bay region. The dominant seagrass species of this region was Cymodocea serrulata andSyringodium isoetifolium and these two species were taken for the survey. In this study, a survey was...
July 2013
Efficacy of chilli Capsicum oleoresin guns usage by local hunters as African elephant repellent from crop raiding in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia
Chilli Capsicum oleoresin guns have been utilised by local hunters in Luangwa Valley, Zambia in the recent years as Community Based Conflict Mitigation (CBCM) for human-elephant conflict (HEC) situations. Through use of C. oleoresin guns, transformation of local hunters from elephant poachers to sustainable agriculturalists has been a milestone for conservation efforts. In this study,...
July 2013
Traditional beliefs and conservation of natural resources: Evidences from selected communities in Delta State, Nigeria
The role of traditional beliefs systems in the conservation of natural resources in some selected communities in Delta State, Nigeria, have been studied. Methodology of study involves the use of personal interview, literature review, group discussion, and site visitation carried out by the authors between April 2011 and March 2012. Findings show that traditional natural resources management in the selected...
July 2013
Fish muscle protein highest source of energy
The proximate biochemical composition and seasonal variation in proteins of small indigenous fish species such as Salmostoma sardinella, Cirrinus reba, Garra mullya, Rasbora daniconius andPuntinus conchonius were analyzed. The proximate composition was found to vary among the species. Protein was estimated in S. sardinella (25.64%), C. reba (24.19 %), G....