July 2015
A preliminary study on fish fauna of the Passur River in Bangladesh
The ichthyofauna, their occurrence and conservation status in the Passur River of Khulna district have been studied for a period, from November 2011 to April 2012. A total of 95 finfish species contributing to 14 orders, 45 families and 77 genera were identified. The most dominant fish order was Perciformes with 38 species in 35 genera. Maximum number of species were recorded under the family Gobiidae (14 species)...
July 2015
Threat of agricultural production on woody plant diversity in Tankwidi riparian buffer in the Sudanian Savanna of Ghana
Riparian forest buffers (RF) are integrative part of the savanna agricultural landscape. However, they are under threat of deforestation from agricultural intensification. To ascertain the impact of the deforestation, this study used remote sensing techniques and field inventorying to assess riparian woody plant diversity on farmland (FA) and forest reserve (FR) along Tankwidi rivercourse in the Sudanian savanna of...