June 2013
Application of diversity indices to crustacean community of Wular Lake, Kashmir Himalaya
The present work is aimed at comparing the various diversity indices applied to crustacean community assemblages in the Wular Lake during September 2010 to August 2011. In all, 42 taxa were identified, of which 23 were Cladocera, 16 were Copepoda and only 3 were Ostracoda. Different species have different ecological requirements which enable them to thrive well in their ecological niches...
June 2013
Limnological study on a Samrat Ashok Sagar with special reference to zooplankton population
Present investigation has been conducted on Samrat Ashok Sagar (popularly known as Halali reservoir) of Madhya Pradesh with special reference to its zooplankton diversity in relation physico-chemical characteristics. 105 (One hundred and five) zooplankton species were identified from Samrat Ashok Sagar which consisted of Rotifera 43 species (41%), Cladocera 25 species (24%), Protozoa 20 species (19%),...
June 2013
Multiple usages of forest trees by the tribes of Kalahandi District, Orissa, India
Forest trees are the integral part of human society. Forest trees provide both direct and indirect benefits to humans. The number of products provided by trees worldwide is extensive. The wood, bark, leaves, fruits, seeds and roots of trees yield food, fodder, shelter, medicine, fibre, resin, oils and other numerous products used for subsistence of people living in rural and tribal areas. There is a great...
June 2013
Participatory assessment of grazing scenario in Kumaon Himalaya
Livestock is one of the most important and dynamic components of mountain farming systems and their linkage with forest and agro-system are the very basis of sustainability of mountain agriculture. But, livestock economy in the mountain region is suffering a set- back due to poor production, which is mainly contributed by inadequacy of quality fodder and pitiable condition of forests and grazing land. In...
June 2013
Assessment of fish distribution and biodiversity status in Upper Halda River, Chittagong, Bangladesh
The Halda River of Bangladesh has immense importance as it is the only natural spawning ground of major carp fishes. In the present survey, the overall fish distribution and biodiversity from the upper portion of Halda River along with its two tributaries were studied. The sampling stations were Nazirhat Bridge, Sattarghat Bridge and Garduara. Fishes were collected directly from sampling stations two times in...
June 2013
Woody species diversity and important value indices in dense dry forests in Abdoulaye Wildlife Reserve (Togo, West Africa)
Dry forests are seriously under threats, mostly linked to human disturbance. In Togo where continuous deforestation is ongoing, it important to assess woody species diversity that maintain forest structure and functions. In that concern, this study was carried out in Abdoulaye Wildlife Reserve (AWR) with a specific objective to assess woody species diversity. A total of 258 plant species belonging to 119...
June 2013
Strychnine poisoning in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in the Loliondo game controlled area, Tanzania
The retaliatory persecution of large carnivores is a worldwide conservation concern. We report a case of malicious strychnine poisoning of African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in the Loliondo Game Controlled Area (LGCA), Tanzania. Eight out of ten individuals (80%) in one of our study packs were poisoned in retaliation for a livestock attack. Samples were collected from the internal organs for toxicological...
June 2013
Elephant damage and tree response in restored parts of Kibale National Park, Uganda
Elephant tree damage is a key factor in conservation and restoration efforts of African rain forests. This study was conducted between June 2009 and February 2010 to examine elephant damage and tree response in restored parts of Kibale National Park, a rain forest in Uganda. First gazetted as Forest Reserve in 1932, the area had its southern block settled and degraded through human utilization between 1970...
June 2013
Spatial distribution and abundance of selected exploited non-timber forest products in the Takamanda National Park, Cameroon
This study investigated the spatial distribution and abundance of selected non-timber forest products (NTFPs) exploited in the Takamanda National Park, Cameroon. The distribution, abundance, encounter rates, species condition, seasonality and human impacts were assessed in the 217 km reconnaissance survey. The most dominant species recorded were Afrostyrax kamerunensis (44%) and Gnetum...
June 2013
Fish diversity of the River Choto Jamuna, Bangladesh: Present status and conservation needs
River Choto Jamuna is an important and well-known river in north-west Bangladesh in terms of fish production and source of income for many fishermen living beside where this study has been conducted from January to December, 2012. This study revealed the existing fish species and their composition along with diversity, richness and evenness indices. A total of 63 species of fishes have been recorded belonging...