March 2015
A study on Ichthyofaunal diversity of Sagar lake, Madhya Pradesh, India
The objective of the present study was to report the ichthyofaunal diversity of Sagar lake Madhya Pradesh, central India. During the study, a total of 21 species of freshwater fishes belonging to 6 orders, 11 families and 17 genera were recorded from the study sites of the lake. Family Cyprinidae, contributing about 48% of the fish diversity of the lake, was found to be the most abundant family of the fishes. According...
March 2015
Threats of biodiversity conservation and ecotourism activities in Nechsar National Park, Ethiopia
This study was carried out on the threats of biodiversity conservation and ecotourism activities in Nechsar National Park (NSNP), Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Data was collected from protection staffs and local communities found in and around the boundary of the national park. Open ended and close ended questionnaires, focused group discussion and field observation were used to collect all the necessary information. Protection...
March 2015
Enumeration of lichen diversity in Manaslu Conservation Area and Sagarmatha National Park of Nepal
An extensive research on deciphering lichen diversity in the high Nepalese Himalaya was undertaken in two subsequent years in Manaslu Conservation Area (MCA) and Sagarmatha National Park (SNP). Altogether, 621 specimens were collected from these two regions, viz., 173 from MCA and 448 from SNP, which resulted in the occurrence of a total of 13 species of lichens from MCA (belonging to 4 families) and 69 species...
March 2015
Conservation of plant biodiversity of Namatimbili forest in the southern coastal forests of Tanzania
The aim of this study was to determine the ecological characteristic of Namatimbili Forest in terms of plant species composition, stem size class structure, stand biomass, diversity, and distribution and identify endemic and threatened plant species that are found within the forest. Data were sampled by using transect method that were established in various habitats within the forest. A total of 312 plant species were...
March 2015
The flora of holy Mecca district, Saudi Arabia
The flora of Mecca city district, Saudi Arabia has been recently studied between March and July, 2014. Four hundred and thirty three (433) specimens were collected from the study area. The specimens were found to belong to forty four (44) families, one hundred twenty five (125) genera and one hundred and eighty four (184) species. In this work and for the first time, four new species (unidentified, possibly new) were...
March 2015
Determining the potential for introducing and sustaining participatory forest management: A case study of South Nandi Forest of Western Kenya
The South Nandi Forest is the most important site for the conservation of the globally threatened Eremomela turneri. The growing human population is the main threat to its biodiversity and the forests provision of ecosystem services. In order to address the above threat, Kenya Forest Service and partners perceived that the introduction of participatory forest management would mitigate the challenge. This study was...
March 2015
Medicinal plants use and conservation practices in Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia
Traditional medicine has continued to be the most affordable and easily accessible source of treatment in the primary healthcare system of Ethiopia. However, the medicinal plants used for such treatments are becoming increasingly rare and vulnerable to extinction because of improper utilization and conservation practices. Hence, this reseach was initiated with the aim to assess the use, management and conservation...
March 2015
Habitat use and preference by the African elephant outside of the protected area, and management implications in the Amboseli Landscape, Kenya
Elephants in the borderland of Kenya and Tanzania landscape roam freely outside the protected areas. These areas are critical for long term elephant survival and viability. Understanding the ecological conditions in these landscapes and threats to elephants is critical in future elephant management. Using collared elephants, the habitat use and selection was studied. Elephants showed selection for habitats, but...