International Journal of
Biodiversity and Conservation

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Biodivers. Conserv.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-243X
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJBC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 685

Table of Content: November 2013; 5(11)

November 2013

Cultural and socio-economic perspectives of the conservation of Asanting Ibiono Sacred Forests in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Culturally, sacred forests have been an integral part of many Africa traditional societies for centuries. For decades, these traditions have encouraged community driven nature conservation attitudes and have ensured the conservation of native biodiversity, supplying non-timber forest products (NTFPs), supporting ecological, religious, cultural and socio-economic functions. This long standing tradition is on the decline...

Author(s): Udeagha, Agbaeze Umazi, Udofia, Samuel Iwa and Jacob, Daniel Etim

November 2013

Meristic and morphological characterization of the freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium macrobrachion (Herklots, 1851) from the Mono River – Coastal Lagoon system, Southern Benin (West Africa): Implications for species conservation

The freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium macrobrachion is one of the shrimp’s species that contribute to the fisheries in the Mono River – Coastal Lagoon water system of the Southern Benin, where major causes of environmental degradation that affect species integrity and survival, are hydro electrical dam, bridges, mangrove destruction, water hyacinth invasion, dumping of domestic wastes from...

Author(s): Alphonse Adite, Youssouf Abou, Edmond Sossoukpe, M. H. A. Gildas Gbaguidi and Emile D. Fiogbe

November 2013

Forest bird diversity and edge effects on three glade types at Mount Meru Game Reserve, Tanzania

This study examined the edge effects on forest bird diversity in five man-made, five upper natural and 15 lower natural glades in the Mount Meru Game Reserve, Tanzania from September 2005 to November 2005. Bird species composition differed significantly between the three glade types. Mountain Greenbul and Common Bulbul were indicators of forest edge habitat for upper natural and man-made glades, respectively. Bird total...

Author(s): Ladislaus W. Kahana, Gerard Malan and Teresa J. Sylvina

November 2013

The abundance of five rare tree species in forests on limestone hills of northern Vietnam

Rare tree species may become endangered as a result of forest conversion and disturbance. The availability of reliable ecological information on such tree species may help in conservation efforts, but such data is often limited. We studied the abundance of five red-listed tree species in an old-growth forest growing on limestone hills in northern Vietnam and identified potentially relevant ecological factors. Three of...

Author(s): The Long Ngo, and Dirk Hölscher 

November 2013

Wildlife crop damage valuation and conservation: conflicting perception by local farmers in the Luangwa Valley, eastern Zambia

Wildlife conservation in Luangwa Valley depends on perception by local communities, and is affected by wildlife crop raiding. Perception of local farmers were elucidated between 2006/7 and 2008/9 farming seasons. Data collection was done using prescribed forms and semi-structured questionnaires by trained field assistants. The case study findings confirm that firstly, perceived and actual crop losses differed by 49.49...

Author(s): Vincent R. Nyirenda, Willem J. Myburgh, Brian K. Reilly, Andrew I. Phiri and Harry N. Chabwela

November 2013

On-farm Musa germplasm diversity in different agro-ecologies of Burundi

Burundi is part of the secondary centre of diversity for the east African highland bananas (Musa AAA-EA). However, Musa diversity in Burundi has declined in the past two decades due to pests, diseases and civil unrest. A Musa germplasm diagnostic survey carried out in three provinces- Gitega in Central, Kirundo in Northern and Cibitoke in north-western Burundi, assessed...

Author(s): W. Ocimati, G. Blomme, D. Karamura, P. Ragama, P. Lepoint, J. P. Kanyaruguru, F. Ngezahayo, V. Ndungo and S. Hakizimana

November 2013

Using odonates as markers of the environmental health of water and its land related ecotone

The study of Odonata communities along wetlands requires the basic understanding of the abundance, distribution and number of species present. As habitat conditions change, they also exhibit changes in their diversity and distribution. Odonata assemblages were surveyed along the Densu River at Atewa Range Forest Reserve (ARFR) and Nsawam in the Eastern Region of Ghana and Weija in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Of...

Author(s): D. Acquah - Lamptey, R. Kyerematen and E. O. Owusu

November 2013

Genetic divergence analysis of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.)

The D2 analysis allowed the 49 garden cress accessions to be classified into seven distinct clusters. Cluster 1 included 16 accessions that mature and flower early. Cluster 2 contained 11 accessions, which had the higher mean values for both numbers of primary and secondary branches, harvest index and seed yield/plant. They also showed higher number of seeds per plant and per plot than the overall mean value....

Author(s): Temesgen Bedassa, Mebeaselassie Andargie and Million Eshete

November 2013

Genetic variation of barley germplasm from Turkey assessed by chloroplast microsatellite markers

Five chloroplast DNA microsatellite loci were tested to analyze cytoplasmic variation in a set of 94 barley accessions; 23 Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum (wild) from Southeastern Anatolia, 47Hordeum vulgare ssp.vulgare landraces and 24 Turkish barley cultivars. Fifteen (15) haplotypes were detected. Within wild barley, two of the five loci were polymorphic with two or three alleles and four haplotypes...

Author(s): Hülya SÄ°PAHÄ°, Hasan MEYDAN and KürÅŸad ÖZBEK

November 2013

Species diversity and abundance of Avifauna in and around Hombolo Wetland in Central Tanzania

This study assessed the species composition, relative abundance and species diversity of avifauna found in wetland and terrestrial habitats in and around Hombolo Lake. Transect walk, point transect and direct observation methods were deployed for birds’ survey. Sampling sites were established following the established transect on the terrestrial area and on the edge around the lake, with an interval of 200 m...

Author(s): Geofrey E. Soka, Pantaleo K. T. Munishi and Mgina B. Thomas