October 2013
Cropland bird community of rain fed region in India: Abundance, activity pattern and susceptibility to pesticide use
The activities of cropland birds in an agricultural land are most likely unpredictable in the rain fed region of Maharashtra, India, and therefore the exposure to risk of pesticides application by cropland bird species cannot be sufficiently categorized. The pattern of abundance, territorial, foraging and other activities of cropland avian species was examined at two croplands in Amravati District of Maharashtra State...
October 2013
Plant diversity in tropical deciduous forests of Eastern Ghats, India: A landscape level assessment
A landscape level plant diversity and population inventory was made in northern portion of eastern Ghat region of India comprising mostly dry deciduous and moist deciduous forests. A total of 444 transects of 0.5 ha (5 × 1000 m) area each was used for enumerating trees. Diversity and density of herbs, shrubs, lianas and regeneration of tree species were assessed from 5 x 5 m size plots within transects....
October 2013
Heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) pollution effects on cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
The response of crops to heavy metals is important to plant breeders working on marginal environments. Environmentalists need such knowledge for environmental quality assessment. Consequently, a study was carried out to determine the effect of heavy metals (Cd, Ni and Pb) stress on cassava in a greenhouse. The treatments comprised five improved cassava varieties (TME 419, TMS 98/0505, TMS 98/0510, TMS 98/0581...
October 2013
A survey of rice farmers’ farming practices posing threats to insect biodiversity of rice crop in the Punjab, Pakistan
During a survey and through face to face interviews of rice farmers, their attitudes and substandard farming practices were investigated as threats to insect biodiversity associated with rice crop agroecosystem. Excessive and increasing use of agrochemicals (78.7%) and rice straw burning (68%) along with animal grazing were explored as major threats. Rational use of agrochemicals and legislation about bans of...
October 2013
Genetic similarity among Caesalpinia echinata trees and their ex situ conservation
Brazilwood (Caesalpinia echinata Lam) is a tree native to the Atlantic rainforest. It has been exploited since the Brazilian colonial period and the remaining natural populations of C. echinata have been reduced to small forest fragments, or are conserved in arboreta and ecological parks. This study aimed to identify the degree of genetic diversity present within brazilwood trees from three...
October 2013
Morphometric characterization of Nigerian indigenous sheep using multifactorial discriminant analysis
Adequate knowledge of diversities within and between animal populations will not only help in reducing misidentification in animal husbandry but also aid conservation of many important endangered alleles. A total number of 1195 animals comprising 380 Yankasa sheep, 414 Uda sheep, 224 Balami sheep and 177 West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep were sampled from Osun and Oyo states, South Western Nigeria. Yankasa and...
October 2013
Hymenopteran diversity in a deciduous forest from South India
Hymenoptera diversity was investigated in a deciduous forest from South India during July 2009 to June 2010. Among the 38 collected species, the identified 36 species belong to 21 genera and nine families. The dominant families include Vespidae, Apidae, Formicidae, Sphecidae and Megachilidae, respectively. In the present study, the hymenopterans like the carpenter bees, honey bees, leaf cutter bees and ants...
October 2013
Migratory status of the goral, Naemorhedus goral (Hardwicke) (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) in Kohistan, Pakistan
The Himalayan goral, Naemorhedus goral (Hardwicke) (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) is classified as endangered internationally and vulnerable in Pakistan. Its migratory status was determined from 24thMay to 10th July, 2010 in the Pattan and Keyal Valleys, Kohistan, Pakistan. The 165 questionnaires were filled in 15 study sites (Pattan, eight study sites; Keyal, seven study...
October 2013
Glade use by common warthog, African buffalo, mountain reedbuck and bushbuck in Mount Meru Game Reserve, Tanzania
Glade use by common warthog (Phacochoerus africanus), African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) and bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) was studied in five man-made, five upper natural and 15 lower natural glades in Mount Meru Game Reserve, Tanzania. Direct observations were made on glade use by each species on four different days; 200 and 300 observation periods for warthogs (mornings and...
October 2013
Media coverage of nature conservation and protection in Nigeria National Parks
Low level of knowledge and awareness of the conservation efforts and activities of Nigeria National Parks in wider Nigerian public have been observed and prompted this study. Five print media (newspapers) and four electronic media (television and radio) were sampled. The print media were The Punch, Nigerian Tribune, The Nation, The Vanguard and The Guardian newspapers while the electronic media were Edo...