September 2013
‘Biodiversity conservation of Himalayan medicinal plants in India: A retrospective analysis for a better vision’
Ever-increasing demand of herbal medicines in the world market has put alarming threats to the existence of Himalayan medicinal plants, reported to be the richest source of active bio-molecules. Due to overexploitation, majority of these bear threatened status while some have become extinct. Variousin-situ and ex-situ conservation efforts have been made by the Government of India through...
September 2013
Variability and trends of air temperature and pressure at Port Said, Egypt, 1978-2008
The climatologically records of hourly surface air temperature and pressure collected at Port Said weather land stations during the period from 1978 to 2008 are used to study the long term variability of both parameters. January, December and February were considered the coldest months through the years of the whole period with occurrence of about 65.5, 13.8 and 20.7% values, respectively. In the opposite side, August...
September 2013
Registration of “Dibanneeâ€, a newly released linseed variety for Bale Highlands, Ethiopia
Dibanee (CI-1525x CDC 1747/21), a medium height brown seed variety of linseed was selected anddeveloped by Sinana Agricultural Research Center, eastern Oromia, Ethiopia. The variety was released in 2009 for Bale highlands and similar agro-ecologies. This variety was selected from the variety trial tested together with 15 other test genotypes and checks (local cultivar and the previously released variety for...
September 2013
Diversity analysis in Plectranthus edulis (Vatke) Agnew collection in Ethiopia
Thirty six (36) accessions of Plectranthus edulis were evaluated to assess the extent of genetic diversity within the collected accessions using 16 characters. Analysis of variance for each characters indicated highly significant (p<0.01) variation among the accessions for all characters except tuber length. The accessions under study were grouped into six clusters. Clusters I and II contained...
September 2013
Evaluation of pesticide tolerant strain of Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe)
Field evaluation of pesticide tolerant strain of Cotesia flavipes Cameron, a gregarious larval endoparasitoid of the maize stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was carried out and the economics of such evaluation was worked out. Releases of the pesticide tolerant parasitoid strain, prior to application of pesticide or after application resulted in significantly higher net returns and...
September 2013
The impacts of humans and livestock encroachments on the habitats of mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni) in Munessa, Ethiopia
Measuring the extent of humans and livestock encroachments on the habitats of the endangered mountain nyala is crucial to ensuring effective conservation, but empirical evidence is lacking. In order to examine the risk-disturbances hypothesis, we assessed and quantified the impacts of humans and livestock encroachments on the habitats utilized by mountain nyala in Munessa, Ethiopia. We estimated the activity...
September 2013
Conservation and cultivation of threatened and high valued medicinal plants in North East India
Medicinal plants exploration in North Eastern India has been carried out in the various forests including Crude drugs markets up to the range wherever medicinal plants produce are sold in the markets. Various attempts have also been made for the acclamatisation through cultivation of medicinal plants from one zone to another in the Region. The crude drugs produce from the region are traded in the markets of...
September 2013
Wild edibles of Murari Devi and surrounding areas in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh, India
The wild edibles served as a dietary supplement and medicine for thousands of years, particularly in the tribal and rural areas of the Himalayas. A total of 43 wild edibles, representing 33 genera and 25 families were reported. Maximum number of species were reported in the altitudinal zone, 700 to 1800 m followed by >1800 m altitudinal zone. Forty species were found in dry habitat followed by...
September 2013
Informative microsatellites for freshwater and marine shrimp species
Marine and freshwater shrimp are overexploited worldwide due to their high commercial value being usually fished in a predatory manner. The concern about conserving the stocks for economical or ecological reasons has been threatened by the absence of molecular markers for the majority of these species. In this work, we described ten anonymous microsatellites isolated from an enriched-library with magnetic...
September 2013
Medicinal Plants Scenario in Forest Vegetation of Baikunthpur (District-Koria) Chhattisgarh (India)
The State of Chhattisgarh has about 44% of its geographical area covered with forests. The Koria district in Chhattisgarh lies between 22°58’ to 23°49’ North latitudes and 81° 33’ to 82°45’ East longitude. The average rainfall is 121.36 cm. The forest area is 81.23% of total district Area. The district Koria has a very rich flora exhibiting diversity especially of...