August 2018
Role of librarians in the protection of copyright in Nigeria
The objective of the study is to examine the role of librarians in the protection of copyright in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Questionnaire was the primary tool used for data collection. The study population consists of 63 professional librarians from the five selected universities in Ogun State. A total of 49 questionnaires were retrieved out of 63 administered and given a response...
August 2018
Student perception of electronic resources use in Rajshahi University Library: A case study
The growing use of electronic resources in and outside the libraries has become a major issue of discussion all over the world. Information seekers, particularly students and teachers are becoming key proponents of e-resource use. Against this backdrop, this paper explores the pattern of e-resource use by undergraduate and post-graduate students of Rajshahi University – one of the oldest and largest universities...