International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 18 February 2011; 6(4)

February 2011

Improvement of gas turbine performance based on inlet air cooling systems: A technical review

  Performance of a gas turbine is mainly depends on the inlet air temperature. The power output of a gas turbine depends on the flow of mass through it. This is precisely the reason why on hot days, when air is less dense, power output falls off. A rise of 1°C temperature of inlet air decreases the power output by 1%.  The aim of this paper is to review up to date techniques that were developed to cool...

Author(s): Thamir K. Ibrahim, M. M. Rahman and Ahmed N. Abdalla

February 2011

Spatial analysis of a post-socialist city: Case of Tirana-Albania

  This study proposes an analysis model to see how urban spatial configuration in case of post-socialist Tirana City transformed over time. The analysis of city network road and comercial facilities distribution of Tirana City helps us to examine urban land use variation and the urban spatial structure.  The study also reviews urban spatial structure model of the city as well. The main principles of space...

Author(s): Hakan Arslan and Vjosa Shehu

February 2011

Synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles using 1-alkyl, 3-methyl imidazolium based ionic liquids

  The formation of gold nanoparticles has been studied via the reduction of the metal salts in different Ionic Liquids (Ils) based on the 1-alkyl-3-methyl-imidazolium cation and different anions. Particles were grown at different temperatures for 24 h. The structure and morphology of the resulting nanomaterials has been studied via wide angle x-ray scattering (WAXS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM),...

Author(s): Madu, A. N., Njoku, P. C., Iwuoha, G. A. and Agbasi, U. M. 

February 2011

Use of K-means clustering in migraine detection by using EEG records under flash stimulation

  In this study, a new migraine analysis method was proposed by using EEG (electroencephalography) signals under flash stimulation in time domain. EEG signal is one of the most complex biomedical signals due to its complex nature. Therefore, these types of signals are commonly pre-processed before the analysis procedure. Since, pre-processing techniques affect the analysis results positively or negatively, the...

Author(s): Ahmet Alkan and Selahaddin Batuhan Akben

February 2011

A bounded random process model and its application in heart rate variability analysis

  A bounded random process (BRP) model was developed in this paper to interpret why approximate entropy (ApEn) can not describe the stochastic characteristic of Brownian motion time series correctly. Low ApEn value, generally implying presence of determinacy, also existed in Brownian motion series, a stochastic process. The BRP model investigated this phenomenon through quantifying the relationship between ApEn...

Author(s): Ying Wang and Sheng Lu

February 2011

A microstrip metamaterial split ring resonator

  This paper introduces a new low cost, robust microstrip structure, exhibiting metamaterial property, as a replacement of conventional bulky metamaterials structures. These types of planar microstrip structures are very useful for applications where space of equipment is a constraint. Although, the structure is inspired by Split-Ring resonator (SRR), it does not incorporate additional metallic rod for...

Author(s): Vipul Sharma, S. S. Pattnaik, Tanuj Garg and Swapna Devi

February 2011

Enhancement of real-time multi-patient monitoring system based on wireless sensor networks

  Portable patient monitoring device has become increasingly important in Hospital wards to record real-time data during normal activity for better treatment. However, the current quality and reliability have not been satisfactory due to the size, weight, distance of coverage and also high power consumption. This paper provides several solutions for enhancing the reliability and improving the power management...

Author(s): Ahmed N. Abdalla, Muhammad Nubli, Tan Chien Siong, Fauzan Khairi and A. Noraziah

February 2011

Equations of unsteady flow in curved trapezoidal channels

  Investigation of unsteady flows in curved channels and solving the related equations are one of the main issues in hydraulics. In this study, the numerical model proposed by ‘beam and warming’ using the finite difference method is presented to solve unsteady flow equations in curved-trapezoidal channels and it has been used by taking advantage of modified  Model (regarding some...

Author(s): Alireza Mosalman, Mohammadreza Mosalman and H. Mosalman Yazdi 

February 2011

Effects of different irrigation regimes and nitrogenous fertilizer on yield and growth parameters of maize

  A field experiment was carried out to find out the response on yield and yield contributing parameters of maize (cv. Bornali) to water stress and nitrogenous fertilizer. The experiment included two factors such as five irrigation regimes and four nitrogen levels. Texturally, the soil was silty loam. Yield and yield contributing characters were significantly affected due to the application of irrigation and...

Author(s): S. M. Shirazi, M. Sholichin, Mohammed Jameel, Shatirah Akib and Mokhtar Azizi

February 2011

Effect of crumb rubber concentration on the physical and rheological properties of rubberised bitumen binders

  The increase use of crumb rubber in flexible pavements requires the better understanding of its effect on physical and rheological properties of rubberised bitumen binders. The performance properties of rubberised bitumen binder are influenced by the blending conditions and crumb rubber content. The main objective of this research is to investigate the effect of various crumb rubber content on the physical,...

Author(s): Nuha S. Mashaan, Asim H. Ali, Mohamed Rehan Karim and Mahrez Abdelaziz

February 2011

Use of the simplex method to optimize analytical condition in structural analysis

  The nonlinear behavior is approximated as a sequence of successively changing linear systems over a short time interval. Solution of nonlinear equations needs to iterative method such as Iterative algorithm. Iterative method attempts to solve a problem by finding successive approximations. The present study is concerned with methods of nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of structures,...

Author(s): H. Hashamdar Z. Ibrahim, M. Jameel, A. Karbakhsh, Z. Ismail and M. Kobraei

February 2011

Optimization of the configuration of infill walls in order to increase seismic resistance of building structures

  The behavior of empty frames and infilled frames is very different. The infill walls are considered as non-structural elements and are ignored in the analysis; these elements tend to interact with the frame in case of lateral load effect. The aim of this paper is to indicate the contribution of infill walls in the earthquake resistant building design. Three different type of configuration of infill walls are...

Author(s): D. Güney and A. O. KuruÅŸçu

February 2011

Effect of calcium chloride and kaolinite on shear strength and shrinkage of cement grout

Grouting is injecting a liquid (cement and additives) into voids within a structure or soft soils for displacing the gases and liquids from within these. The varieties of additives for different grouting purposes are using with cement. Calcium chloride is known as accelerator in the grout, it causes to decrease the set time of grout and it has a minor effect on fresh grout properties. Kaolinite or some other fine...

Author(s): Sina Kazemian, Bujang B. K. Huat andu Maassoumeh Barghchi

February 2011

Green transportation planning and regional sustainable development within metropolitan regions: The role of traffic pollutant inventory in decision making

  Increasingly, the Chinese metropolitan transportation organizations face many challenges ahead, as they try to meet the Nation's mobility requirements, decrease congestion impacts, and improve the level of air quality. However, the previous modeling tools (for example, land use, travel demand, and emission models) were not designed, nor do they generally provide visible feedback between adjacent...

Author(s): Yong-gang Wang, Xu Zhu, Wen-sen Xiang and Li-wei Hu

February 2011

Experimental research on high-fluidity and super high-early strength concrete for cement pavement repairing

  The concrete used for pavement repair must have a very high-early strength for opening to traffic, good anti-shrinkage and anti-cracking performance, and interfacial bond between old and new concrete surface, besides the basic pavement performance. High fluidity is also needed for simplifying repairing operation and for guaranteeing the repair quality. In a sense, high fluidity is conflict with super...

Author(s): Liu Chunlin, Chen Depeng, and Zhao Fangran

February 2011

Long term behaviour of a retaining wall resting on clayey soil

  The magnitude and distribution of lateral earth pressure acting on a retaining wall due to dry cohesionless backfilling material and existence of saturated consolidated clay in the foundation are studied by a series of two-dimensional plane-strain analyses. For the particular wall geometry and soil condition, effects of wall height and elapsed time of consolidation are investigated and discussed. The analysis...

Author(s): Firas A. Salman, Mohammed Y. Fattah and Dunya K. Sabre

February 2011

Experimental study of a multi-purpose PV-refrigerator system

  Refrigerators used in daily life are one of the indispensable tools. Uninterrupted power should be supplied to refrigerators in order to maintain cooling service. Photovoltaic (PV) systems provide an independent, reliable electrical power source at the point of use, making it particularly suited to remote locations. For this reason, nowadays, the use of PV solar energy in refrigeration has been increasing in...

Author(s): Mehmet Azmi Aktacir

February 2011

Investigation of the relationship between some basic flow properties of shea butter biodiesel and their blends with diesel fuel

  In this study, the density, viscosity, cloud and pour points of shea butter biodiesel-diesel fuel blends were measured following ASTM test methods. In order to predict these properties, mixing rule was evaluated as a function of the volume fraction of biodiesel in the blend. The effects of biodiesel fraction on each of these properties in addition to the effects of temperature on density and viscosity were...

Author(s): C. C. Enweremadu, H. L. Rutto and J. T. Oladeji

February 2011

A novel design of lower vehicle arm based on optimization technique

In the automotive industry, the riding comfort and handling qualities of an automobile are greatly affected by the suspension system. The scenario of this paper presents the Robust Design of suspension arm using a technique Stochastic Design Improvement (SDI) based on Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) then also to identify the critical location and to find optimum result and suitable materials for the suspension arm. The...

Author(s): Wafaa Mahdi Salih

February 2011

Anthropometric study among adults of different ethnicity in Malaysia

  A study was done to determine the differences of anthropometrics data among three ethnic populations in Malaysia. Measurements were collected among 300 respondents representing 150 males and 150 females ranging from the age of 18 to 24 years. A total of thirty-three body dimensions were measured. The statistical test includes, mean, standard deviation, standard error of mean, coefficient of variation,...

Author(s): K. Karmegam, S. M. Sapuan, M. Y. Ismail, N. Ismail, M. T. Shamsul Bahri, S. Shuib, G. K. Mohana, P. Seetha, P. TamilMoli and M. J. Hanapi

February 2011

A comparison of geoid height obtained with adaptive neural fuzzy inference systems and polynomial coefficients methods

  Three-dimensional (horizontal, vertical and ellipsoidal heights) coordinates of a point can be obtained using the GNSS (global navigation satellite system) systems. Although, ellipsoid heights have a geometrical meaning, height is actually a geopotential value. Therefore, determination of physical reference surface (sea level or geoid) is of particular importance in geodetic studies. Although, GNSS...

Author(s): Ekrem Tusat

February 2011

Conformally Osserman Lorentzian manifolds satisfying a certain condition on the Ricci tensor

  Let  , , be an n-dimensional homogeneous Lorentzian manifold of which the Jacobi operator associated to the Weyl conformal curvature tensor has constant eigenvalues on the bundle of unit timelike (spacelike) tangent vectors (known as conformally Osserman Lorentzian manifolds). Then  is a conformally Osserman Lorentzian manifold if and only if  is a conformally flat...

Author(s): Mehmet ErdoÄŸan, Jeta Alo and  Beran Pirinçci

February 2011

Sâlâgean-type harmonic univalent functions

  The purpose of the present paper is to introduce new classes of harmonic univalent functions defined by using the Sâlâgean differential operator and to investigate various properties of these classes.   Key words: Harmonic functions, Sâlâgean derivative, coefficient bounds, distortion bounds, extreme points, neighborhood.

Author(s): Bilal Åžeker

February 2011

Estimating future development of the Turkish plywood sector by the use of models affecting this forest industry sector

  In order to benefit more rationally from the wood raw material, a very important natural source today, we should especially deal with the industrial branch processing it. Change and development in the production, import and export quantity and values of Turkish forestry and forest industrial sector has eventually required planning both national forest resources and the sector using these resources on...

Author(s): Yildiz Cabuk, Selman Karayilmazlar, Rifat Kurt and Saadettin Murat Onat

February 2011

Matrix stability of the difference schemes for nonlocal boundary value problems for parabolic differential equations

In this work, a first order and second order difference schemes, namely Rothe and Crank-Nicholson, respectively, for solving nonlocal boundary value problems for parabolic differential equations are presented. The stability of the difference schemes are proved by using the matrix stability approach. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the schemes.  Key words: Matrix...

Author(s): Ibrahim Karatay, Åžerife Rabia Bayramoglu, Bahattin Yildiz and Bulent Kokluce

February 2011

A genetic algorithms based approach for conflicts resolution in requirement

  With the improvements of technologies, software systems have been more complex then ever before. This requires new approaches to improve software development processes so that they sufficiently and efficiently meet these challenges. Requirement engineering in this regard facing many problems in which conflicts resolution gained very little popularity. In this paper we present motivation toward requirement...

Author(s): M. Ramzan, M. Qasim Khan, M. Amjad Iqbal, M. Aasem, Arfan Jaffar, Sajid Anwar, Awais Adnan, A. Tamleek and Masoom Alam

February 2011

Hybrid model of chaotic signal and complete binary tree for image encryption

  In this paper, a new method was proposed for image encryption using chaotic signals and complete binary tree. In this method, perfect binary tree was utilized for further complexity of the encryption algorithm, higher security and changing the amount of gray scale of each pixel of the original image. Studying the obtained results of the performed experiments, high resistance of the proposed method against...

Author(s): Mehrzad Khaki Jamei, Rasul Enayatifar and Hamid Hassanpour 

February 2011

Application of GIS for determination of groundwater quality suitable in crops influenced by irrigation water in the Damghan region of Iran

  In order to evaluate the quality of groundwater in Damghan plain for irrigation purposes, 199 surveyed wells with GPS data used to produce the map. The features that generally had considered for evaluation of the suitable quality of groundwater for irrigation are salinity, water infiltration rate, and specific ion toxicity. The SAR , ions Ca2+,Mg2+, Na+, K+, CO3 2-, HCO3-– , SO42- ,...

Author(s): Shahram Ashraf, Hossein Afshari and Abdol Ghaffar Ebadi

February 2011

Porous ferrite synthesis and catalytic effect on benzene degradation

  In this study, feasibility of porous ferrite (MFe2O4) synthesis and catalytic effect on benzene degradation was evaluated. Various types of ferrites were synthesized by CuO, ZnO, NiO, and Fe2O3 under different Fe/M molar ratios and sintering temperatures. Porous ferrite synthesized by NiO, Fe2O3, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and kaolinite addition with appropriate sintering conditions were used in column...

Author(s): Hsing-Cheng Lu, Juu-En Chang, Weng-Wa Vong, Hung-Ta Chen and Ying-Liang Chen

February 2011

Reducing ammonia loss from urea and improving soil exchangeable ammonium and available nitrate in non waterlogged soils through mixing zeolite and sago (Metroxylon sagu) waste water

  Ammonia loss from urea significantly reduces urea-N use efficiency. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of mixing urea with zeolite and sago (Metroxylon sagu) waste water on ammonia volatilization, soil exchangeable ammonium and available nitrate compared with urea alone. The mixtures significantly reduced ammonia loss by 22 to 41% compared with urea alone (straight urea, 46% N)....

Author(s): O. Latifah, O. H. Ahmed and A. M. Nik Muhamad

February 2011

Effective characterization of specific hydrocarbon and their mixtures using LIR

  Linear Isotherm Regularity (LIR) is a statistical based valid method for a wide range of applications. This method depends much on the p-v-T experimental data. The determined data for certain hydrocarbons and their mixtures studied in this paper are scares.  Hence we try to use LIR method for the prediction of the packing fraction and structure factor S(Q), of specific pure...

Author(s): Nahid Farzi, Maryam Pahlevan Sharif  and S. Ravi 

February 2011

The role of pH on the second harmonic response of glycine sodium nitrate (GSN)

  In this work we have done a study of RAMAN spectroscopy on glycine sodium nitrate crystals. This study was supported with the respective X-ray diffraction and second-harmonic generation signal detection. The goal of this work is to modify the charge of glycine sodium nitrate in order to obtain three electric behaviors (Zwitterionic, Cationic, and Anionic) and perform the vibrational study on the...

Author(s): R. A. Silva-Molina, A. Duarte-Moller, E. Orrantia Borunda, J. Parra-Berumen, L. E. Regalado and M. E. Alvarez-Ramos

February 2011

Relativistic scattering state solutions of the Makarov potential

  In this article, we exactly investigate scattering states solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation with the Makarov potential. The normalized polar angle wave functions are obtained by using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method and the normalized radial wave functions of scattering states are expressed in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions. We have also discussed analytical properties of the scattering...

Author(s): M. Movahedi and M. Hamzavi

February 2011

First principles studies of band structure calculations of 6H-SiC and 4C-SiC using pseudopotential approches

  We have studied the band structure properties of SiC in wurtzite and zincblende crystal structures. In our calculations, we have adopted a pseudopotential approach based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT). We have calculated the band structure and density of state (DOS) and therefore, the changes of the energy gap of this compound with crystal structure. The quality of the used pseudopotential was tested...

Author(s): H. Arabshahi, M. Rezaee Rokn Abadi and E. Ghorbani

February 2011

Calculation of 8+ Isomers of even-even Nuclei 76Ni to 94Pd for N = 48 neutrons

  Study of the properties of nuclear isomers is a current research focus. We have studied the systematic 8+ isomeric levels, half-lives, deformation parameters, and reduced transition probabilities between  QUOTE  state of even-even 76Ni to 94Pd nuclei for N = 48 neutrons. The calculated half-lives and quadrupole moments are compared with the experimental values....

Author(s): H. Y. Abdullah, I. Hossain, I. M. Ahmed, S. T. Ahmad, W. Q. Karwan, M. K. Kasimin,  J. C. Chong,  K. K. Viswanathan  and N. Ibrahim

February 2011

Amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis modelling in hydrocarbon exploration: A case study

  In this study, the geological model used for amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis, was created by synthetic well logs. The geological model is comprised of shale, gassy-sand, clay and sand layers. The synthetic seismic records including 230 shooting and 60 folds were constructed over the model. The data processing has been applied to the synthetic records. After the data processing, AVO analysis has been...

Author(s): Züheyr Kamacı and Canan Çiftçi

February 2011

Using spectral mapping techniques on short wave infrared bands of ASTER remote sensing data for alteration mineral mapping in SE Iran

  Spectral mapping techniques were applied on shortwave infrared of advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) data for discriminating between hydrothermal alteration zones, and the identification of high potential mineralized lithologic unit associated with hydrothermal porphyry copper mineralization in the Central Iranian Volcanic Belt. In this study, shortwave infrared radiations...

Author(s): Amin Beiranvnd Pour, Mazlan Hashim and Maged Marghany

February 2011

Securing peer-to-peer mobile communications using public key cryptography: New security strategy

  Mobile phones are considered to be the most common communication devices in history.  Recently, mobile phones are not only used for casual greetings but also, sending and receiving important data such as, social security numbers, bank account details and passwords. Public key cryptography is a proven security solution, which can be used to secure the mobile communications. Several researchers have...

Author(s): Sameer Hasan Al-Bakri, , M. L. Mat Kiah, , A. A. Zaidan, , B. B. Zaidan, and Gazi Mahabubul Alam

February 2011

Physics in preschool

  Even though physics and preschool are two concepts not generally used in the same context, physics is an issue of importance in the preschool period. Physics activities stimulate children’s inquiry and problem solving skills, and also support children’s social and language skills. This paper presents a conceptual framework about using physics in preschool settings. It shows techniques that may be...

Author(s): Cagla Gur

February 2011

The use of ICT tools in physical sciences education

  ICT are nowadays, a reality in Spanish education. Although it has been a tough job, their use in physical sciences education has also increased in the last few years. But even with that, it is not clear whether students like them, use them and get any real profit from them. In this work we tried to analyse several aspects of the use of ICT in Spanish physical sciences education system, as which tools are used...

Author(s): Gema Sáez Rodríguez and Antonio J. Monroy Antón