International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 2 November; 6(27)

November 2011

Reflections on Cameroonian scientists in diaspora

  Cameroonian scientists living abroad send substantial financial contributions back to the home country, primarily for domestic usage. Although they enjoy better working conditions and are internationally acclaimed, strong nostalgic and professional feelings drive them to seek ways of improving science and technology through research and development in their home country. Principal stakeholders are called upon...

Author(s): Georges-Ivo Ekosse

November 2011

Steady and unsteady exact inverse solutions for the flow of a viscous fluid

  In this paper, inverse solutions are derived for the equations of two dimensional flows of a viscous incompressible fluid by assuming certain conditions on the stream function. The equation is coupled in terms of the stream function by eliminating the pressure between the component forms of the flow equation. The solutions for steady and unsteady cases are found by prescribing the vorticity...

Author(s): S. Islam, T. Haroon, Manzoor Elahi, Murad Ullah and A. M. Siddiqui

November 2011

Trace elements in Egyptian teeth

  Teeth are reported to be suitable indicators of heavy metals exposure from environment and nutritional status. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is used to compare the trace element content of children’s primary teeth and permanent adult teeth. Primary teeth were collected from 64 children and permanent teeth collected from 112 adult with age range of 40-60 years. The data were...

Author(s): M. A. Amr

November 2011

Chemistry of benzobispyrrole-derived squaraines

  In the search for a conducting polymers with narrow Energy Band-Gap (Eg), the research focus is centered on increasing the bandwidth of the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbitals (HOMO) or the Lowest Orbital Molecular Orbitals (LUMO) of a conducting polymers through the use of strong electron donor or strong electron acceptor, respectively. In this research, we considered the trend of change in...

Author(s):    I. A. Adejoro and A. A. Adeniyi   

November 2011

Kinetic and thermodynamic of adsorption of methylene blue (MB) by CuFe2O4/rice bran composite

  The adsorption of methylene blue (MB) dye onto activated rice bran and CuFe2O4/rice bran (CRB) composite was investigated. Activated rice bran was prepared by treating with NaCl. The CuFe2O4/rice bran was prepared by chemical co-precipitation method. The adsorbents were characterized by XRD and SEM analyses. The adsorption of MB was strongly dependent on the pH (pH 12). The process was very fast initially and...

Author(s): Saeedeh Hashemian

November 2011

Study of Congo red photodegradation kinetic catalyzed by Zn1-XCuXS and Zn1-XNiXS nanoparticles

  A controlled co-precipitation method was used to prepare nanoparticles of zinc sulfide doped with Ni and/or Cu in the presence of mercaptoethanol as capping agent. The nanoparticles characterize via UV-visible spectra, atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns and transmission electron microscope (TEM) image. The doping of Ni2+ and/or Cu2+ ions did not...

Author(s): H. R. Pouretedal and M. H. Keshavarz

November 2011

Analysis, characterization and some properties of polyacrylamide-Ni(II) complexes

  The complexation of polyarylamide (PAam) with Ni(II) metal ions at different concentrations was investigated. The metal complexes were characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), UV-visible, differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and atomic force microscope (AFM). FTIR spectroscopy was used to study the characteristic shifts of the absorbance bands of C=O and N-H2. UV-visible...

Author(s): Mukhles Sowwan, Sami Makharza, Wadie Sultan, Jamal ghabboun, Musa Abu Teir and Hasan Dweik

November 2011

Using simulated annealing algorithm for optimization of quay cranes and automated guided vehicles scheduling

  Sea port container terminals play an important role in the national and regional economy. The integrated scheduling of handling equipment has been recently investigated in literature to improve the performance of the container terminals. In this paper, an integrated scheduling of quay cranes and automated guided vehicles is formulated as a mixed integer linear programming model. This model minimizes the...

Author(s): S. M. Homayouni, S. H. Tang, N. Ismail and M. K. A. Ariffin

November 2011

Applications of support vector machines in oil refineries: A survey

  Support vector machine has been explored and many applications found within various research areas and application domains. Many support vector machine techniques have been specifically developed for certain application domains. This paper is an attempt to provide an overview on applications of support vector machines within the oil refineries to the professionals inside oil refineries, researchers and...

Author(s): Mahmoud Reza Saybani, Teh Ying Wah, Amineh Amini, Saeed Reza Aghabozorgi Sahaf Yazdi and Adel Lahsasna

November 2011

A peg free hand shape authentication scheme with radon transform

  The hand shape authentication has been widely used on the biometrics field with an extensive range of potential applications since it is the well-suited with respect to securityfacility. The aim of this paper is to improve the accuracy and robustness of the hand basedauthentication system. In this paper, a hand shape authentication with a fixed angle radon transformation and a centroid scheme is...

Author(s): Ahmed Mostayed and Sikyung Kim

November 2011

Optimized design of a cylinder under mechanical, magnetic and thermal loads as a sensor or actuator using a functionally graded piezomagnetic material

  The present paper addresses the thermo piezo magneto elastic behavior of a functionally graded piezomagnetic cylinder under thermal, magnetic and mechanical loads. All mechanical, thermal and magnetic properties are graded in the radial direction. The cylinder is subjected to inner pressure, thermal and magnetic loads. Temperature distribution can be obtained using solution of the heat transfer equation with...

Author(s): M. Arefi, G. H. Rahimi and M. J. Khoshgoftar

November 2011

Static analysis and design of sandwiched composite long-span portable beam

  Long-span portable beams are very important in military operations for the purpose of rapid construction and bridging system. Such structural element can also be utilized in disaster relief operations. In the early days, portable structure, such as military bridges were made from steel, causing the weight of the structure to be huge, and consequently, it will be costly to operate. To overcome these problems,...

Author(s): Norazman Mohamad Nor, Agusril Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad Zaidi, Shohaimi Abdullah, Mohamed Alias Yusof and Risby Mohd Sohaimi

November 2011

Performance metrics for active contour models in image segmentation

  Image segmentation is one of the significant techniques in image processing to distinguish desired parts from its background for further analysis. It provides visual means for inspection of anatomical structure of human body, identification of disease, tracking of its development and input for surgical planning and simulation. Active contour models are regarded as promising and vigorously research model-based...

Author(s): Hum Yan Chai, Teng Jih Bao, Lai Khin Wee, Tan Tian Swee and Sh-Hussain Salleh

November 2011

Epipremnum aureum: An environmental approach to reduce the impact of integral bridge scour

  The main objective of this study is to show that Epipremnum aureum could be used as an alternative approach to reduce the scour rate of an integral bridge. Integral bridges, also referred to as integral bent bridges or rigid-frame bridges, reduce initial construction costs and long-term maintenance expenses. Most bridge failures around the world occurred due to scour at the bridge foundations during...

Author(s): Shatirah Akib, Ismail Othman, Faridah Othman, M. M. Fayyadh, Lawal Abdul Qayoom Tunji and S. M. Shirazi

November 2011

Assessment of radioactivity level in bore hole-soil in Nigeria

  Radioactivity level in six soil samples from different boreholes in Zaria, Nigeria was assessed. The presence of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th were analyzed using γ -ray spectrometry with sodium iodide thallium, {NaI(Tl)} detector. Mean specific activity of 1020.4 ± 12.4, 123.1 ± 2.3 and 25.7 ± 2.0Bq/kg for 40K, 226Ra and 232Th, respectively were obtained....

Author(s): Omeje C. U., Kareem A. I., Onoja M. A., Adamu A. M. and Ummkulthum S. I.