International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 9 June; 7(22)

June 2012

Various types of shear connectors in composite structures: A review

In this paper, an attempt has been made to review various types of shear connector in composite structures. This review tries to identify the shear connectors that are most relevant to composite structures and reviews representative journal publications that are related to this topic. It attempts to cover all types of shear connector. The article concludes with a discussion of recent applications of shear connectors in...

Author(s): Ali Shariati, N. H. RamliSulong, MeldiSuhatril and Mahdi Shariati      

June 2012

Analysis of thermal efficiency of a passive solar water heater

The analysis of thermal efficiency of a passive solar water heater is presented. The heater which has potential applications in agro-industries and homes, consisted of a single-glazed flat plate solar collector made up of an absorber plate and a transparent sheet of glass; water storage tanks and the stand. The absorber plate was made of mild steel which is a very good conductor of heat. Copper tube was used to form a...

Author(s): Eze J. I. and Ojike O.      

June 2012

The influence of relaxation with electromyography and Islamic prayer programs for female Muslim

Chronic work-related stress can fray nerves, keep you up at night and contribute to significant and independent risk problems such as heart disease and depression. Particularly, chronic job strain can put both your physical and emotional health at risk. Muscle relaxation is a useful evidence based teaching and treatment approach for physical/remedial therapists. It can show unnecessary covert muscles co-contractions and...

Author(s): Wang Jing Muhanmmad Nubli Abdul Wahab,  Ahmed N Abdalla, Gu Ming, Liu Yao and Hanisah Mohd Noor      

June 2012

Solvent extraction of copper, nickel and zinc by Cyanex 272

Studies were conducted on the extraction of copper, nickel and zinc from their sulphate solutions using [bis (2,4,4- trimethylpentyl) phosphinic acid] (Cyanex 272, HA) as an extractant. Effect of various parameters, such as equilibrium pH, extractant concentration, sulphate and acetate ion concentration was investigated. The slope analysis method was used to determine the nature of extracted metal complexes. For the...

Author(s): Noorzahan Begum, Fazlul Bari, Shamsul Baharin Jamaludin and Kamaruddin Hussin      

June 2012

Crystal structure of 2-[(2-(2-Hydroxyethylamino) ethylimino) methyl] phenol at 130K

In this research, the 2-((2-(2-hydroxyethylamino) ethylimino) methyl) phenol (H2L) has been prepared with high yield via condensation of salicylaldehyde and 2-hydroxyethelamine. Crystal structure of H2L is determined at 130K. In the crystal structure of H2L, it is observed that there are two independent H­2L-units. X-ray crystal structural analysis revealed that the H2L belonged to the...

Author(s): Mohammad Hakimi and Mina Sarani    

June 2012

A multiresolution approach for color image inpainting using an efficient generalized expectation maximization (GEM) model

In this paper, we present a novel expectation maximization (EM) algorithm for automatic color image inpainting using a new discrete multi scale directional sparse representation called the discrete shearlet transform (DST). It is now acknowledged that the traditional wavelets are not very effective when dealing the multi dimensional signals having distributed discontinuities such as edges. To achieve a more efficient...

Author(s): R. Gomathi and A. Vincent Antony Kumar    

June 2012

Fabrication of 6 nm gap on silicon substrate for power-saving appliances

We document a thermal oxidation process for the reproducible fabrication of 6-nm gaps on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate. Nanogaps sizes of this dimension are implicated to eliminate contributions from double-layer capacitance in the dielectric sensing of proteins or nucleic acids. The method combines conventional photolithography and pattern-size reduction technique to create a desired-size gap. The gaps are...

Author(s): T. S. Dhahi, U. Hashim, M. E. Ali and N. M. Ahmed      

June 2012

Hydrological characterization of Mahd Ad Dahab Gold Mine, Saudi Arabia

The present study focuses on the gold mining in Mahd Ad Dahab region of Saudi Arabia. The study aims at the integrated use of existing meteorological information with the drainage basin morphometry of the mine catchment for determining the preferential flow path for the mine contaminants. The study reveals that the actual mining area lies at the headwaters of two watersheds: Watershed A and Watershed B. The streams in...

Author(s): Faisal K Zaidi, A. M. Bassam, M. T. Hussein and Osama M. K. Kassem