February 2014
Linking culture and water technology in Zimbabwe: Reflections on Ndau experiences and implications for climate change
Renaissance studies continue to grow in post-colonial Africa. This study explores the Ndau culture in a bid to assess its vitality and relevance to contemporary society’s water technology in Zimbabwe. The thesis of the study posits that the Ndau people have indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) that can be tapped in the implementation of water resource management. Some Ndau beliefs and practices on water resources...
February 2014
Managing tourism for socio-economic development in Nigerian Local Government: A case study of Idanre Local Government
This study examined the management of tourism in socio-economic development in Nigerian local government using Idanre local government as a case study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 120 staffs of Idanre Local Government. In all a total of one hundred and twenty respondents constitute the population. This research revealed that there is a significant relationship between tourism and socio-economic...
February 2014
Analysis of local institutions capacity to implement development plans and programs in Gamo Gofa Zone of Southern Ethiopia
The study argues poverty in Ethiopia is the function of incapable local institutions. It measures the existing capacities and challenges of the local institutions to translate development plans to action in the study area. For data acquisition, pre-tested structured questionnaires were administered to 100 randomly selected civil servants in ten local institutions. The study has found that the local institutions had...