September 2011
A Don Quizote fighting windmills: A study of teachers’ imagined stress in the teaching profession
The present study investigated the prevalence of teacher occupational stress among primary school teachers in Matebeleland North Region. A survey method was used to collect data for the study. A sample of 10 schools was randomly selected from primary schools in the Region. A total of 120 teachers drawn from the 10 schools participated in the study. A survey questionnaire (the adapted version of Kyriacou and...
September 2011
Intelligence operations as terrorism: Emerging state terrorism in Botswana
Botswana is considered one of Africa’s credible democracies. Its economic performance and good governance over the years distinguished its statehood from its African counterparts. The stable political landscape backdating to independence also made it a regional security exception. However, the security landscape has changed over the last three years. Using a historical procedure, the article illustrates how the...