May 2009
Growth performance of Alma millsoni fed with brewers dried grain (BDG) and coconut husk
The growth performance of Alma millsoni cultured on 'brewers dried grain and coconut husk was studied in a completely randomized design with three treatments (Control, brewer’s dried grain and coconut husk) and three replicates. Earthworms were cultured in plastic bins of 60 x 30 x 30 cm. While coconut husk was used as the bedding, the earthworms were fed with brewer’s dried grain, coconut husk...
May 2009
Host determinants of bovine mastitis in semi-intensive production system of Khartoum state, Sudan
Out of 2283 quarter milk samples, 224 (9.81%) gave positive reactivity to California mastitis test, while 600 (26.28%) and 1459 (63.9%) recorded as doubtful and negative respectively. In this study isolated Corynebacterium wereCorynebacterium striatum 9 (33.3%), Arcanobacterium pyogene 4 (14.8%),Corynebacterium Pseudotuberculosis 2 (7.4%), Corynebacterium ulcerans 5...
May 2009
Pathologic lesions in the gills of Clarias gariepinus exposed to sublethal concentrations of soap and detergent effluents.
Investigations were carried out on the gill tissues of African cat fish (Clarias gariepinus) exposed to sub lethal concentrations (0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005 and 0.006 mgl‑1) of soap and detergent effluents in a static renewal bioassay procedure for a total period of 52 days. The histopathological studies of the sectioned gills of this fish species showed marked histological...
May 2009
To study the effect of photosensitizer on melanophore responses of blue gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus)
The present study has been carried out to evaluate the effect of a photosensitizer- Methoxsalen, on dietary supplementation, on melanophores/pigmentation and to evaluate the persistence of change in melanophores after discontinuing the feeding of photosensitizer supplemented feeds to labyrinth fish, blue gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus). The fishes were fed with four feeds (E1, E2, E3 and...