June 2013
Anatomical study of the third head of biceps brachii muscle and its innervation by median nerve in human dissection
Several studies have described the biceps brachii muscle as one of the muscles in the upper limb with most frequent anatomical variations. They also reported the presence of this anomaly in varying frequency in different populations. The aim of this study was to assess the anatomical description of the third head of biceps brachii muscle and its abnormal innervation in human autopsies which would be of value for the...
June 2013
Correlation between clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in temporomandibular disorders
This study was carried out to determine the value of Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a diagnostic tool in patients with temporomandibular disorders. The clinical presentation and MRI findings on 88 temporomandibular joints belonging to 44 symptomatic patients were retrospectively studied. The disk position, configuration and signal intensity; mandibular condyle morphology and signal intensity; temporomandibular...