December 2010
Lectins isolated from Brazilian beans as markers of membrane glycoconjugates of human colon cancer cells
TIn this preliminary study the carbohydrate-binding activity of 10 plant lectins from the Diocleinae subtribe Canavalia ensiformis (Con A), Canavalia brasiliensis (Con Br), Canavalia bonariensis (Con Bo), Canavalia grandiflora (Con Gr), Canavalia maritima (Con M), Dioclea grandiflora (DGL), Dioclea guianensis (Dgui), Dioclea virgata (Dvir), Dioclea violacea (Dvio) and Dioclea rostrata (Dros) was studied to determine...
December 2010
Investigation of breathing maneuvers using free breathing and video biofeedback techniques during radiation therapy treatment for non small cell lung cancer patients
The goal of radiation therapy treatment increases as the breathing motion decreases, which then will lead to desirable and accurate conformal dose distributions for mobile lung cancer tumor. Twelve healthy volunteers of age ranges between 18-63 years, (5 females and 7 males) were randomly selected for the study in the breathing training methods using free breathing and video biofeedback breathing. The free breathing...