Journal of
Dentistry and Oral Hygiene

  • Abbreviation: J. Dent. Oral Hyg.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2472
  • DOI: 10.5897/JDOH
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 138

Table of Content: January-June 2020; 12(1)

January 2020

A retrospective analysis of a large case series investigating a novel non-incisional periodontal therapy

Chronic periodontitis is a prevalent condition, affecting nearly half of the adult US population aged 30 years or older. When left untreated, the condition can lead to debilitating tooth loss. While there are well established therapies for all degrees of disease, many are expensive and out of reach to those who lack access to care for medical, socio-economic, or geographic reasons. Scaling and root planing (SC/RP) is...

Author(s): Dennis Szymaitis, Josephine Yvorra, John Gunsolley and John Spitznagel Jr.  

April 2020

Traumatic dental injuries among a selected population of adolescents in Southern Nigeria

This work aims to determine the causes, scene and types of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) among adolescents, and to compare the findings in males with those in females. Information was elicited from a selected population of junior secondary school students by means of a close-ended, structured, self-administered questionnaire. Information elicited included age, gender, previous experience of trauma to the oral...

Author(s): Joycelyn O. Eigbobo and Efetobo V. Orikpete  

June 2020

Current aptitude on management of medically compromised patients: A questionnaire based survey of medical, dental and nursing students

Advances in medical technology, greater access to medical facilities and better socio-economic conditions had increased the life expectancy. The proportionate increase of the elderly in the population caused a gradual escalation of the number of medically compromised patients. Knowledge, awareness and practices of health personnel hold paramount importance in the proper management of these patients to prevent...

Author(s): Aravinda Konidena, Komalpreet Kaur, Gagan Puri and Rajesh Gupta