Journal of
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology

  • Abbreviation: J. Environ. Chem. Ecotoxicol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-226X
  • DOI: 10.5897/JECE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 198

Table of Content: January-June 2020 ; 12(1)

February 2020

Impact of industrial effluents, domestic wastewater and natural dams on heavy metals concentrations in vegetables cultivated in Northern Nigeria

Vegetable cultivation is increasing because of its health benefit. However, in areas with limited fresh water, irrigation is from industrial and domestic wastewaters. Consumption of crops with high heavy metal content poses concern to health. A comparative analysis was conducted using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) to determine the concentration of heavy metals in some vegetables irrigated with industrial...

Author(s): Emmanuel Bernard and Olayiwola, M. Ayandeji  

February 2020

Induction of vitellogenin in cultured fish: Vitellogenin gene expression response of blue fin and yellow fin breams to injected 17 β-estradiol

Aquatic organisms in the coastal regions are often exposed to many anthropogenic effluents. Kuwait Bay receives considerable quantities of sewage and industrial effluents, and thus, naturally, many endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) find their way into the coastal waters. These EDCs could influence the physiology of the aquatic organisms inhabiting the coastal region. Response of two important local fish of...

Author(s): Azad, I. S and Al-Jandal, N.  

February 2020

Ingestion of lead-contaminated vegetables could affect the intelligent quotient of school children

Lead (Pb) is a potential environmental contaminant that has the capability of causing some human health problems, especially when it accumulates in food crops. This study aimed to evaluate the risk of ingesting Pb-contaminated vegetables on the intelligent quotient (IQ) of school children, using “target risk quotient” methodology. From the responses to the questionnaires administered to the school...

Author(s): Chimezie N. Onwurah, Ibiwari C. Dike, Uche Uzodinma, Johnson C. Obodouzu and Enuma P. Obiweluozo

March 2020

Seasonal assessment of the physico-chemical properties of surface water and sediments in the vicinity of a scrap metal recycling industry in Southwestern Nigeria

The study assessed the seasonal variations in the physico-chemical properties of surface water and sediments in some villages located around a scrap metal recycling industry in Ile-Ife. This is with a view to monitor the impact of the industry on the quality of surrounding water. The three water bodies (one river, one stream and one pond) identified in the area were sampled every other month for ten months. Water and...

Author(s): Okoya, A. A., Elufowoju, M. A., Adepoju, K. A. and Akinyele, A. B.  

May 2020

Level and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in old landfill in Bayelsa state, Nigeria

This study assessed the ecological fate of heavy metals within the vicinity of an area formally used as dump site in Igbogene, Bayelsa state. Soil auger was used to collect samples at 0 - 20 cm depth at 50, 100 and 150 m distances from the four cardinal points viz: North east and west and south east and west. The soil samples were sieved, ashed, digested and analyzed using atomic adsorption spectrometry. The heavy...

Author(s): Uzoekwe Anayo Stephen and Richard Glory  

May 2020

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in mangoes (Mangifera indica L.) found in the vicinity of gold mining sites of Zamfara State, Nigeria

The impact of gold mining on mango (Mangifera indica L.) grown in the vicinity of gold mining sites in Zamfara State, Nigeria have been assessed over the dry and wet seasons. Samples of mango plant parts were collected from 3 impacted sites and a control site monthly between March and August 2014, and analysed for selected heavy metals using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results obtained indicate that Pb was...

Author(s): ASUQUO Francis Emile and BATE Garba Barde  

June 2020

Heavy metals in children’s toys and baby items commonly sold in Trinidad and Tobago

Children’s toys and baby items are a unique source of exposure to heavy metals in young children. It is a global health concern because of the potential risk heavy metals pose during the early years of childhood development. This study assessed the levels of six heavy metals (lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu)) in eleven toys and seven baby items currently sold in...

Author(s): Terry Mohammed, Dimitri Dial, Devika Maharaj, Carla Smith, Nadia Persad, Sasha Mohammed and Azad Mohammed  

June 2020

Analysis of heavy metal concentration in auto-mechanic dumpsites in Makurdi Metropolis, North Central Nigeria

This research was carried out to assess heavy metals pollution in Makurdi auto-mechanic dumpsites in Kanshio (K), Northbank (NB) and Wadata (W). Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (PG990) was used to determine the heavy metals concentration. Results of the mean heavy metals concentrations (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) were found to be K (4.65, 137.12, 257.77 and 294.75), NB (1.97, 65.67, 162.88 and 223.23), and W (2.92, 85.27,...

Author(s): Ogah E., Egah G. O., Neji P. A., Samoh F. T., Dodo J. D., Anidobu C.O., Amee S. K. and Bwede D. D.