January 2012
Industrıal sector energy consumptıon ın Turkey- the relatıonshıp between economıc growth (1970-2010)
Economic growth is one of the most important macroeconomic targets, due to its relatively important effects on the other macroeconomic variables. Among many others, productivity of labor, accumulation of capital, technological improvements, enhancement of human capital, existence of natural resources are considered to be the most important factors affecting economic growth. In this study, the effect of energy...
January 2012
Money supply and inflation in Malawi: An econometric investigation
This paper examines the relative importance of monetary factors in driving inflation in Malawi. A stylized inflation model is specified which includes standard monetary variables, the exchange rate and supply-side factors. The results indicate that inflation in Malawi is a result of both monetary and supply-side factors. Monetary supply growth drives inflation with lags of about 3 to 6 months. On the other...
January 2012
Interaction between political instability and investment
The aim of this paper is to identify the effect of political instability on investment and economic growth. By using a dynamic balanced panel data model applied on annual data from 11 countries from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the period of 2000 to 2009. The political instability’ effect on the contribution of investment to economic growth has been the subject of a second...