November 2011
Economic integration and trade deficit: A case of Vietnam
This paper attempts to present a quantitative analysis in order to figure out the reasons of continuous increase of trade deficit in the last decade in Vietnam. After a long period of unceasing economic growth and macroeconomic stability, Vietnam has become one of the attractive investment destinations for many foreigner investors. However, the country starts to worry about its overall economic situation...
November 2011
The investigation of the current status of socially responsible investment indices
This paper investigated the development of the current status of socially responsible investment indices and their composition features, and it was found that the socially responsible investment indices were highly developed since the 2006 period. The socially responsible investment indices mostly used in European markets are becoming a trademark in many countries. Meanwhile, this paper listed some...
November 2011
Time series variation of foreign exchange rate in the Nigerian Wholesale Dutch Auction Market
Exchange rate movements can be forecast if we understand how exchange rates are determined. This paper seeks to find significant explanatory variables in the time series variation of foreign exchange rates based on Nigerian data. The study period covered 2004 to 2009 using monthly data for the Wholesale Dutch Auction Market (WDAS). The study embodies the monetary approach to exchange rate determination,...