Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 411

Table of Content: October-December 2022; 14(4)

October 2022

Aquatic macro invertebrate contribution in leaf litter breakdown in tropical mining area streams (Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa)

The aim of the study was to determine how mining operations affected the health of aquatic ecosystems. The investigation was carried out in the diamond, gold, and manganese mining areas of Tortiya, Hiré, and Lauzoua. Leaf litter bags were used to assess breakdown. To further identify macro-invertebrates in the laboratory, leaves from emerged large-mesh bags were preserved in 70% alcohol. The results showed that...

Author(s): Séniva Ouattara Dongui, David Tapé Logboh and Edia Edia Oi 

October 2022

Pare’s people perception influences on conservation of wild plant diversity in protected areas in Kilimanjaro Region, Northern Tanzania

This study was designed to assess Pare people’s perception about the role of protected areas in biodiversity conservation. Viewpoints on factors causing biodiversity loss, related consequences and people’s participation in forest husbandry activities were also investigated. Data were collected from Same and Mwanga Districts using semi structured interview. Results indicated generally that majority of people...

Author(s): Moshy S. A. and Manoko M. L.

December 2022

Effect of heavy metals and physicochemical parameters on diversity of plants at a gold mine tailings dam in Ghana

This study focuses on the impact of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals concentrations in soil on abundance, richness and diversity of plants at Marlu tailings dam located near Bogoso, Ghana. The concentrations of heavy metals (mg/kg) in soil at the study area are as follows: Fe (10,528.9 - 7,873.0), Cu (224.9 - 177.4), Zn (51.6 - 42.7), Cd (3.0 - 2.6), As (2.4 - 1.7) and Mn (78.3 - 57.1). Soil nutrient levels...

Author(s): Doku Emmanuel T. and Belford Ebenezer J. D.

December 2022

Assessment of carbon sequestration by mangrove plantations in Casamance (Oussouye, Ziguinchor, Senegal)

The mangrove ecosystem abounds in fish and wood resources exploited by local populations for cooking and house construction. This has resulted in a strong loss of mangrove surfaces whose causes are explained by the combined action of natural and anthropic factors. To minimize the regression of the mangrove in Casamance, the Oceanium Association has organized since 2006 reforestation campaigns of mangrove trees. To date,...

Author(s): MANGA Benoît Alouise B., NDOUR Ngor, DIATTA André Amakobo, and DASYLVA Maurice