Journal of
Ecology and The Natural Environment

  • Abbreviation: J. Ecol. Nat. Environ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9847
  • DOI: 10.5897/JENE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 410

Table of Content: October-December 2023; 15(3)

October 2023

Impacts of climate variables and seasonal water depth on emergent macrophyte biomass production in King’wal riverine wetland, Kenya

The production of macrophyte biomass holds a crucial role in supporting diverse life forms within wetland ecosystems. However, this biomass production is intricately tied to hydrology of the inland wetland system, which in turn is driven by the local climate's seasonal patterns. The response of macrophyte biomass production to seasonal changes in water depth, influenced by rainfall patterns and air temperatures in...

Author(s): Priscah J. K. Rongoei, Shem Mwasi and Vincent K. Sudoi

November 2023

Stakeholder perceptions of wetlands management effectiveness in Cameroon

Wetland ecosystems and the fisheries that depend on them are vital to the survival of million individuals in poor nations. Although this habitat is contracting because of heavy pressure brought on by the expansion of the population and the increase of human activity in Cameroon. Yet it is crucial to evaluate the management practices used to ensure its durability. In this study, we look into wetland stakeholders'...

Author(s): Olive M. Yemele, Mbezele Junior Yannick Ngaba and Gordon N. Ajonina,

October 2023

Energy flow management to enhance cost-effective crop production in Hilly Tribal Villages - Southern Odisha, India

The objective of this study is to assess the energy budget of crop production in the Niyamgiri hill agro-ecosystems, exploring the interdependency between agricultural systems and natural forest ecosystems. The cultivated area is categorized based on different cropping patterns, with four prevalent agriculture practices in the villages: (i) shifting cultivation (Podu) in high hill areas, (ii) mid-hill orchards below the...

Author(s): B. K. Nayak, M. K. Mishra and V. P. Upadhyay