Journal of
Engineering and Technology Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Eng. Technol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9790
  • DOI: 10.5897/JETR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 200

Table of Content: December 2012; 4(7)

December 2012

Trend in ground water fluctuation in Gidan Kwano Inland Valley of Niger State Nigeria

  Trend in ground water table fluctuation was investigated on an experimental field of 18070.2 m2 between June and March of a following year. Five Piezometers were used to monitor the depth of water table at different locations. Findings indicated a depth of water table fluctuation between 0.4 cm above the soil surface and 200 cm below surface. Further analysis carried out on possible relationship between...

Author(s): O. S. Enokela, N. A. Egarevba and M. O. Isikwue

December 2012

Sodium chloride concentration on the rheological and dynamic properties of aloe vera gel

  Aloe vera gel is a highly medicinal gel which is in high demand in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry. Mathematical models were developed to simulate the rheological and dynamic properties of aloe vera gel in relation to the addition of sodium chloride (NaCl – common salt) at various concentrations. The result from the investigation shows the effect of sodium chloride concentration on the...

Author(s): Ukpaka C. P.

December 2012

Improving Web Content Management System: Template personalization approach

  Web Content Management System (WCMS) has been developed to facilitate different aspects of website development. However, up until now, designing of web pages is accomplished by the website developers. Even though WCMS might suggest a number of templates, but it does not consider the nature of the website that will be developed. Many designers have complained about designing the right structure, and different...

Author(s): Hebah ElGibreen and Samir El-Masri