September 2023
Heat and mass transfer investigation of unsteady magnetohydro dynamic nanofluid flow in a porous pipe in the presence of chemical reactions
This article presents a numerical investigation of mass and heat transfer effects on an unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) nanofluid flow in a permeable pipe. The influences of the chemical reaction and magnetic flux are considered. With the central finite-difference technique, the fundamental equations are discretized. The resulting equations are solved numerically using methods of lines, bvp4, and shooting methods....
November 2023
Optimal support spacing for composite oil and gas pipelines
Problems of premature breakage or failure may be encountered with composite pipelines used in the transportation of oil and gas products due to the manner in which these lines are laid or installed, especially in cases where the lines traverse long distances with rapidly varying topograghy over which considerable twisting and bending of the pipelines may occur. To overcome such problems, an analytical model is developed...