Journal of
Engineering and Technology Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Eng. Technol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9790
  • DOI: 10.5897/JETR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 200

Table of Content: July-December 2020; 12(1)

July 2020

Prediction behavior of high frequency modulated by a 16 lengths Golay code undergoing honey attenuation

Optical microscopic analysis of honey is time consuming due to the period needed to prepare samples. Time reduction could be achieved with ultrasound microscopy. This paper investigates the behavior of 125 MHz signal modulated by 16-bits Golay code spread out through a honey sample containing pollen. A bipolar phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation of 125 MHz frequency by 16-bits Golay code was implemented in...

Author(s): Vincent De Paul TEKOUA KOUEMENE and Laurent BITJOKA  

August 2020

Modeling and experimental validation of drying processus of the microalgue Spirulina with consideration deformation and flow mass

The profiles of the material transfer properties in porous products such as Spirulina platensis during drying which characterize their behavior are often determined from different experimental points by destruction of the samples. However, for a long drying time, it’s impossible to slice or cut the sample correctly because of its mechanical strength and friability. It influences the evaluation of product in...

Author(s): E. Salmwendé Tiendrebeogo,, G. Christian Tubreoumya, A. Oumar Dissa, A. Compaoré,  J. Koulidiati, F. Cherblanc, A. Bere and I. Youm  

October 2020

Effect of variation of different additives on some selected properties of silica sand mould for aluminium castings

The quality of castings in a green sand mould is influenced significantly by its properties, such as green compressive strength, shear strength, shatter index, compatibility, moisture content, permeability and others which depend on input parameters. Usually, the aforementioned properties of a particular casting differ due to variation in composition of the moulding sand mixtures, sand grain shape and size, bonding...

Author(s): Sani A. Salihu, Abdullahi Usman and I. Y. Suleiman  

October 2020

Effective use of Quadcopter drones for safety and security monitoring in a building construction sites: Case study Enugu Metropolis Nigeria

The hazardous nature of the Nigerian building construction industry due to lack of construction data and records of incidents which have led to loss of life, property damage, injuries and loss of materials in an average construction site is alarming. The aim and objective of this study is to know how effective the use of drone to monitor safety and security in Nigerian Building Construction site can improve dangerous...

Author(s): Okaka O. Patrick, Ezekiel O. E. Nnadi and Henry C. Ajaelu  

December 2020

Tractor fuel consumption dependence on speed and height of ridging on a sandy loam soil

The effect of tractor forward travel speed and ridge height on the amount of fuel consumed by a tractor during ridging operation on a sandy loam soil in a humid tropical environment was investigated. The investigation was the Agricultural Development Programme farm at Rumuodumanya, Rivers State, Nigeria. The experimental plot of 160 by 32.5 m, totaling 5,200 m2, was divided into three major blocks; and further...

Author(s): Asinyetogha H. Igoni, Raymond A. Ekemube and Silas O. Nkakini