July 2011
Detection of diagnosis escape variants of Hepatitis B virus by in house polymerase chain reaction assay
Quantitative detection of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum by real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay emerged as a gold standard in guided anti viral therapy. HBV, due to its quasispecies nature, whether evade detection by the commercially used diagnostic PCR assays have not been elucidated so far. In this study, an in house nested PCR assay employing mismatched primer was found to detect HBV...
July 2011
Eggplant blister mottled virus (EBMV): A possible new potyvirus characterized from Iraq
A possible new potyvirus infecting eggplants (Solanum melongena L.) was characterized from Iraq. The virus caused characteristic mottling, crinkling, blistering and stunting accompanied by severe abnormalities on new leaves and fruits. The virus was mechanically transmitted to Gomphrena globosa and Zinnia elegans producing necrotic local lesions (NLL) within 5 days of inoculation. The...