Journal of
Geography and Regional Planning

  • Abbreviation: J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2070-1845
  • DOI: 10.5897/JGRP
  • Start Year: 2008
  • Published Articles: 396

Table of Content: June 2017; 10(6)

June 2017

Efficacy of forest resources governance on REDD+ performance in Uvinza district, western Tanzania

This paper presents findings of a study on the effectiveness of forest resource governance on the performance of the REDD+ project in the Masito-Ugalla ecosystem in Uvinza district, western Tanzania through transparency, accountability, participation and integrity. The study was conducted in Ilagala, Karago and Kirando villages with the objective of understanding the effects of forest resources governance on REDD+...

Author(s): John E. Makunga and Salome B. Misana

June 2017

Spatial analysis of the petrol stations in Khan-Younis city using geographic information system (GIS) techniques

This study was conducted in Palestine, the Gaza strip in Khan Younis City. The study aimed at analyzing petrol stations locations in Khan Younis City. It used geographic information system (GIS) based multi standard analysis. 25 petrol stations are available in Khan Younis City, distributed in 11 neighborhoods. A preview was created about the different petrol stations in Khan Younis City. This outline includes the...

Author(s): Odeh Jameel El Faleet

June 2017

Geospatial based biofuels suitability assessment in Ethiopia

Due to the rising demands of fuels combined with efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emission, countries all over the world are looking for alternative clean energy sources such as biofuel. Ethiopia imports a huge amount of fuel each year and to supplement its energy needs efforts are underway for biofuel development. Despite this, comprehensive assessments of the suitable sites for biofuel feedstocks are lacking. This...

Author(s): Tenaw Geremew, Mitiku Adisu and Tamene Mengistu

June 2017

Web geographic information system (GIS) in accreditation and monitoring of professional training institutions for quality assurance: The case of Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations Board (KASNEB), Kenya

Professional education is crucial not only in impacting citizens with skills and competencies in specific fields, but also in accelerating development in any country. Kenya aims at providing globally competitive quality education, training and research to her citizens. In line with these national goals and in order to maintain the quality of its qualifications, Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examinations...

Author(s): Daniel Ndambiri Ngunyi and Godfrey O. Makokha