Journal of
Geography and Regional Planning

  • Abbreviation: J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2070-1845
  • DOI: 10.5897/JGRP
  • Start Year: 2008
  • Published Articles: 399

Table of Content: November 2008; 1(8)

November 2008

Indigenous people’s perception on climate change and adaptation strategies in Jema’a local government area of Kaduna State, Nigeria

  This study examines the way indigenous people in Jema’a Local Government Area of Kaduna State perceive climate change and their adaptation strategies to climate change. The paper also asks indigenous people of the impacts of climate change on their various activities and any perceive hindrance to its adaptation. A total of 225 questionnaires were administered in five settlements within the study area,...

Author(s): Ishaya, S. and Abaje, I. B.

November 2008

Constraints militating against effectiveness of community development projects in Ilesa

  The rapid growth of urban population in developing countries led to a corresponding increase in the demand for basic urban services.  Community members generally participate in development projects because of the realization that contemporary governments can no longer single handedly meet most of these community needs. In view of the above, this study was aimed to examine the efforts of Community Base...

Author(s): Toyobo A. Emmanuel and Muili A. B.