Journal of
Geography and Regional Planning

  • Abbreviation: J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2070-1845
  • DOI: 10.5897/JGRP
  • Start Year: 2008
  • Published Articles: 399

Table of Content: September 2010; 3(9)

September 2010

Challenges facing land tenure system in relation to pastoral livelihood security in Gedarif State, Eastern Sudan

  Land in rural communities is not just a means of livelihood but also a source of wealth, tribal identity, social peace, and also source of conflicts. This paper addresses the issue of pastoral land tenure in relation to their livelihood security in Sudan. The overall objective is to trace the changes in land tenure system and its implications on pastoral communities in Gedarif state, eastern Sudan. In...

Author(s):   Yasin Abdalla Eltayeb Elhadary  

September 2010

A spatial decision support system approach to sustainable physical development planning

  To make MDGs a reality, especially as it affects the built environment, and to conform with the UN Agenda 21 and Habitat Agenda summed up in the concept of urban physical sustainability, there is a need to rapidly improve the quality of decisions on land use, conversion and urban renewal in developing countries, especially with regards to physical developments. The potential of SDSS in determining optimum...

Author(s):   Baloye, D. O., Adesina, F. A. and Kufoniyi O.  

September 2010

Options for adapting to climate change in livestock-dominated farming systems in the greater horn of Africa

  The greater horn of Africa is one of the least developed regions in Africa. Livestock are an important economic resource and an essential asset for poor farmers in this region. Climate variability, population growth, low economic development, limited market integration, and low fertilizer use, amongst others put serious pressure on livestock production. The sustainability of the livestock production in the...

Author(s):   An Notenbaert, Andrew Mude, Jeannette van de Steeg and James Kinyangi