September 2014
The paradox in environmental determinism and possibilism: A literature review
This article provides in-depth review of the prevailing controversy among environmental determinists and possibilists, and searches the linkage among them. The issue of environmental determinism and possibilism is still being debated for more than a century among both geographers and non-geographers, which is a paradox. This work was analyzed based on content and document. The article tries to analyze the...
September 2014
Assessment status of amenities and service delivery in class-I town in India (Case study of Berhampore Town, Murshidabad)
In recent era, rapid rate of urbanization and population explosion in developing countries like India have its direct and negative impact on existing urban infrastructure as well as public service delivery, which deteriorate the living standard of city dwellers. It is evinced that there is a wide gap between minimum entitlements of the service provisions delivered and the ever increasing demand of stakeholders. This...