Journal of
Media and Communication Studies

  • Abbreviation: J. Media Commun. Stud.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2545
  • DOI: 10.5897/JMCS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 234

Table of Content: October 2018; 10(9)

October 2018

Media and disaster management: Analysing communication trends in flood ravaged communities in Benue State, North Central Nigeria

The need to communicate early and frequently with multiple stakeholders is to ensure effective communication towards enhanced preparedness and response efforts in order to reduce disaster fatality rate. The media are critical stakeholders in disaster management as their contents create awareness and educate people in building resilience, reducing disaster risk and vulnerability in pre, during and after disaster. This...

Author(s): Muritala O. Oke, Afolabi T. Adeyinka and Oshinfowokan Grace Oluseyi  

October 2018

Public relations in corporate reputation management: A case of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation

This study aims to explore the practice of public relations management in maintaining relations with the public who interact with a corporate organization. To investigate the role of public relations in maintaining good reputation, a mixed method approach was employed taking Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporate as a case study. Data were collected from different instruments such as questionnaire, document review and...

Author(s): Samson Mekonnen Hailu