Journal of
the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy

  • Abbreviation: J. Nig. Soc. Physiother.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 0331-3735
  • DOI: 10.5897/JNSP
  • Start Year: 2002
  • Published Articles: 62

Table of Content: December 2002; 14(2)

December 2002

Abdominal muscle strength and some respiratory function indices in subjects of varying parity status

This clinical evaluation study was carried out to compare the strength of abdominal muscles and some respiratory function indices in volunteer women of childbearing  age. The  population   for this   study comprised: volunteer  female   staff   of  the   University   College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan; female students of the College of...

Author(s): Sanya AO and Famuyide AO

  • Article Number: 5D1E23865331

December 2002

Participation level of Nigerian physiotherapists in clinical research

Research is a systematic process of investigation with thepurpose of contribution to the body of knowledge that helps to shape and guide an academic and/or clinical discipline. This study ir;vestigated the participation level of selected Nigerian physio­ therapists  in clinical research. Clinicphysiotherapists from one orthopaedic, 4 teaching and 2 general hospitals in south western Nigeria participated in this...

Author(s): Hamzat TK, Odole AC and Amusa TNT

  • Article Number: C4A71E765333

December 2002

Range of motion in selected joints of diabetic and non-diabetic subjects

Thepurpose of the study was to compare the mobility of selected joints of the limbs in diabetic and non­ diabetic subjects. One hundred volunteer subjects comprising 50 diabetic and 50 non-diabetic subjects participated in this study. The range of motion of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers, hip and knee joints were measured. The occurrence offinger deformities was also studied. The range of motion was measured...

Author(s): Sanya AO and Obi CS

  • Article Number: 95847FE65335

December 2002

Cardiovascular responses of paraplegic bedridden and normal subjects to head-up tilting

This study compared the cardiovascular parameters of paraplegic, bedridden and normal subjects aged 23-55 years during head-up tilting at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 degrees. There were 45 subjects in three groups. All subjects wereplaced on a manually operated tilt table and their heart rate- (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) measured. The data were analyzed using descriptive...

Author(s): Adegoke  BOA, Ogwumike OO, and Oyewo OS

  • Article Number: 4BF648865337

December 2002

Physiotherapy management of the sickle cell hemiplegic patient A Case Report

Sickle cell anaemia patients commonly have several complications that may negatively affect their health and quality of life. Treatment of this condition usually involves different experts in the medicalfield. This case report evaluates the effect of electrical stimulation in conjunction with other physiotherapy modalities in managing spasticity secondary to cerebrovascular accident in a sickle cell anaemia patient. The...

Author(s): Onigbinde AT

  • Article Number: A0F3DB065339

December 2002

Management of faecal incontinence by pelvic floor muscle exercise, faradic electrostimulation and behavioural training - A Case Study

The existing methods of faecal incontinence management have met with mixed success. Recently, there has been increased interest in pelvic floor contraction and electrostimulation of the pelvic floor muscles. Thispaper presents a case study of a 10-year old girl with a diagnosis of faecal incontinence secondary to sexual assault. Before tlze commencement  of  treatment,  the  strength  of ...

Author(s): Sokunbi OG and Okusanya E

  • Article Number: 2BB302665341

December 2002

Effects of strengthening of lower limb muscle groups on some gait parameters in adult patients with stroke

Gait re-education and mobility act1 vztzes  are important physiotherapy interventions for patients following stroke. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of strengthening of affected lower limb muscle groups on some gait parameters in adult patients  with stroke. Twelve patients (6 men and 6 women) with stroke participated in the study. Each patient went through a six-week muscle strengthening...

Author(s): Olawale OA and Akinfeleye AM

  • Article Number: DBBC93965343

December 2002

Identifying with our knowledge base

There is need for physiotherapists to identify with the science or the knowledge base of the profession -.which is pathokinesiology. The NUC (1989) "Minimum Standards ... for Training ... of Physiotherapists ... "simply defines patholkinesiology as the science of physiotherapy. A broader definition coins pathokinesiology as the kinesiology of the human body under pathological condition or the analytical and...

Author(s): Matthew OB Olaogun

  • Article Number: BE8752165345