Journal of
Dryland Agriculture

  • Abbreviation: J. Dryland Agric.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2476-8650
  • DOI: 10.5897/JODA
  • Start Year: 2015
  • Published Articles: 48

Table of Content: August 2020; 6(5)

August 2020

Acclimatization and performance evaluations of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) on yield and yield components in different agro-ecologies of Northern Ethiopia

The study is aimed at evaluating the genotype by environment interactions (GEI) on acclimatization of sweetpotato genotypes to the farmers’ field conditions. A field evaluation was done on six sweetpotato genotypes planted in RCBD, three replications in three different agro-ecologies. These genotypes were previously (2012, 2014) tested for yield performance in the same environment. Data collected were subjected to...

Author(s): Gloria Peace LAMARO  

August 2020

Mycorrhiza co-association with Aspilia pluriseta Schweif. and phosphorus uptake effects on growth of gadam sorghum in the semi-arid lower Eastern Kenya

Mycorrhiza fungi are important components of soil microbiota in the rhizosphere and greatly influence the uptake of mineral elements by plants. A greenhouse experiment was conducted at the University of Embu to evaluate effect of Aspilia pluriseta rhizosphere mycorrhiza on phosphorus uptake by gadam sorghum. Pots were filled with soil from a predetermined source in the semi-arid Gakurungu, Tunyai and Kanyuambora regions...

Author(s): Muchoka J. P., Mugendi, D. N., Njiruh P. N., Onyari C. N., Mbugua P. K. and Njeru  E. M.